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There are well known adages that advise us to look beyond the outer trappings in order to see what is truly there. Don't judge a book by its cover. Beauty is only skin deep, etc. Humans by nature are visually stimulated creatures, so it's normal for us to simply pass judgement based solely on outward appearances. We do it everyday, instantly, and often without realizing it . We meet someone and immediately begin our evaluation. How tall are they, are they over weight, well groomed, nicely dressed, do they drive a fancy car, live in a big house? These are merely surface features, a flashy book cover to grab your attention, a thin cosmetic layer...nothing more, nothing less. To get to the truth we have to open the cover and begin reading , scraping past the window dressing , only afterwards can we make a well informed judgement. The next time you meet somebody, reserve/with hold any sort of judgement. Instead of seeing them with only your eyes, listen to them, get to know them. You may discover something wonderful. Many of the greatest books written have the most mundane covers, some of the most beautiful people have the most modest appearances... Base your judgements on substance not style.