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Being a Muslim I feel I can speak at least for the non-radical people of my faith when I say that this writer http://templeofthejediorder.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=800&Itemid=41   is ignorant. The writer obviously doesn't know or understand why we do what we do and how the murders of those people on 9/11 pissed us off to. Not only did it look bad but people rose up against something they nothing about and calling all of us evil when we can be the most kind and gentle of people in world. Yes there are evil people pretending to be Muslims. Yes they do things in the name of Allah, that they will NOT be rewarded for. But to judge us all, by what a group of people did is stupid. I fully understand that this article doesn't necessarily reflect this website and peoples views, but I don't think that we, I mean Muslims, stand up for ourselves in this kind of way often enough.

Posted by Matthew Coulter