Hits: 1949

Inequity and justice seem to be opposites, contrasting what is unfair with what is.  As opposites, these are perspectives on what fairness is.
Throughout history, philosophers have commented on justice.  Plato, as referenced in The Republic, states that justice is the balance of harmony between the people and the state.  John Locke believed that justice was a universal concept where people receive the justice or injustice that they are due.   John Stuart Mill insisted that justice was a part of a system that focuses on the consequences.
The important point of this is very simple: Justice is a perspective.
When a person reacts to something he or she feels is unjust, the response is based in what he or she feels is unjust.  Whether this is based in cultural expectations, personal beliefs, or legal implications, the choice remains individual.
It might seem obvious, but take a moment and really think about it.  If our perceptions of justice are based on the perceptions we choose, then our expectations of justice can be changed by understanding why we believe what we do.  Given time and introspection, we may find that our perceptions of justice and inequity are results of the world around you and not a personal choice.
If you feel that something that has occurred lies in the realm of inequity, take a moment and understand why you feel that it is.  Take the moment and know for certain why you feel that you need to react to the situation.  The time you spend, even if it is less than a second, may allow you the time to react in a manner that you can stand behind. 
May the Force guide you to the justice you feel is right.