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Good Time Zone Jedi, everywhere. May the Force be with y'all. 

It is my privilege and pleasure to serve each other the way we do here. I have a very unique ability to minister to as many Jedi willing. This is no ordinary task. Jedi are amazing. In the process of serving and learning, I have been asked a few central questions.

One of those central ideas is "Pastor Carlos, how do I let go?" Each person has their own path and are on and their own level of reflection and application.

There are a number of questions that come up and a few, very specific shares in each other's path. What we do here isn't therapy. I am not a licensed professional and no one who represents this place also represents professional therapy here. If you need one, find one. The idea is that in this path, we are not alone.

It is in the search and the study and the share that we find ourselves today. We find ourselves equal. I suffer from the same exact ailment you do which is, I live in the ordinary world. There are no two ways about it. The reality is here, where I wake, sleep, and live; is my reality. Where you are; is yours.

Our realities are determined by our focus. Some refection may lead to seats we don't understand or recognize that we are sitting in. One of these seats is the seat of the "grip." The seat of the grip, is that space where you cannot let things go. They are yours and everything that comes with it. We hold on so tight to a few or many things Jedi. In this wake, we find each of us is equal. So, how do we let things go? I do understand that is a very general term but here is the idea we share.

: Reflect

: Evaluate the relationship we have with what we reflect. 

In this process, you may encounter anger, upset and even confusion. After time and practice, things become episodic as humans. It is human nature to notice patterns and if left long enough, we as humans will most definitely start picking up patterns in our reflection. Some of these patterns may be upsetting or scary or even in need of attention. Some adjusting can be done during times like this. Reflection is not only for being able to see a few things, you can also re-evaluate your connections. It is in this mode that I want to encourage you as Jedi to remember,

Focus is the art of pruning the irrelevant and pouring the best of your mind into what you are doing.

Knowledge can be acquired by focusing on the task at hand.

Wisdom is the sound application of accrued knowledge and experience through patient, good judgment.

So, how do we let go?

Are you ready?

Add Grace.

Take some time to define what YOUR level of grace is. What is the grace you give friend, and Jedi? Will it change any outcome? I want to challenge each of us to know the level of our grace and know what it can do.

Some Jedi need a refresher course of what their own grace means. Take the time to reflect on our Jedi path but also on a few things that can AID release of a few old ideas. Grace is always fresh. You cannot give old grace. It has to be fresh. For this understanding you must have fresh offense. Grace goes well fresh. Grace is MOST POTENT, instantly. Just saying.

SO, this sermon is different. Jedi are different. We act different, or do we? Want a change in your life and want a fresh idea of letting go, define what you call grace and give it away in the situations you need it. Give it as soon as you can and as much as you can.

What would have happened if VADER had received unbound grace from his loved ones when he revealed himself to Luke? Dropping all saber, Jedi, and titles and said "DAD" instead of "nooooooooo".  How about our lives? What would happen to every character in our path we call villain received a "Kamehameha"   share of grace? (King or cartoon version)

What would happen if our own path was just waiting for grace? It may be. Want a change in life or a way to let a few things in our own path go? 

Add grace, your grace, to the equation or situation.

Can you? Do you have different levels of grace or just one? What would happen if you did? HERE... is where I leave you, in hope. The hope that you are in the hands of the one who can. You.

I DO LOVE EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ON OF YOU. I believe in Jedi and I believe in you. Have a good day. 

Pastor Carlos