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Our Walk

by thomaswfaulkner

Let’s take a journey together. Come, take a walk with me. We can go far or near, the distance doesn’t matter, just as long as you’re here with me for this time. Simply come as you are and I will love you regardless.

Now, anyone who has read any of my sermons before knows that they take more of the form of a guided meditation than an actual delivery of a message. I don’t have anything to teach you that you don’t already know deep inside you. The string of words that pop up in my mind and appear as text on your screen simply prompt your mind and body to think about things in a different light. You have that power to tap into your being, your unlimited suchness, and know the measure of your worth. I’m just fortunate enough to be a person who gets to share these moments with you.

These words were written slowly, with ample pausing between each thought. Let the breathing that takes place in your body naturally rise and fall with a calm, yet normal tempo. And don’t forget to smile, you deserve that every now and again.

As we walk together, let us bring our attention to the things in life that we cling to. That can be the jobs that we hold, the body that we possess, the things that fill our house, the thoughts permeate our minds, and the feelings we share with others.

Sisters and Brothers, don’t rob yourself from these experiences. Be one with them. Share in the moments they bring to us; whether that be pleasant, neutral, or unpleasant. Live knowing that each of these mental formations, are eternally attached to us as processes of this shared universe. We can’t ignore the role that they play in shaping and shifting our lives. A life of complete absence from all the happenings that manifest through the Living Force is borderline theft to your being. You exist as one node in a universally large entanglement of “suchness”es and happenings that reflect both inwardly and outwardly of your being. Take in these experiences and be with them while they are here because their impermanence lies deep within.

Change is a given constant, my friends, and it pays no attention to our attitudes. It just simply acts within the nature of the processes set off beforehand, and no matter how hard we try to hold on to the way things were in the past, we are grabbing at the shell of what once was, nothing more, nothing less. We can get angry that the processes that are now obviously out of our control. We can weep in sadness, or can gamble our lives in desperation that there will be a chance that that-something will return to us. All of these are mental poisons that take away the pleasures that was once experienced and cloud our mind with negative thoughts.

But there is still hope. Through our new understanding of the constant of change, we can remind ourselves that just as things arise and exist, they also have a time fall and repeat. Just as the dark days robbed you of your joy and happiness, their byproducts can transform into the manifestation of something much more beautiful. When the dark days come, and we all know they will, remind yourself of this hope. Realize that change is always, ALWAYS happening and that you exist in an interconnected dimensional plane that consists of an indefinite number of nodes that reflect your nature. Don’t allow your mental demons to rob you of this truth. You, my Jedi family, are the universe, and are subject to change. Patience is your friend. Accept these attachments, along with their conditions of change and live your life with compassion and empathy for others.

Reflect inward on yourself at this moment. Are you holding too tight to anything sprinkled with the salt of change? If so, I invite you to let it go as we return home from our walk. Keep your feet planted in the present moment, and remember this too will pass.

May you be happy.

May you be free.

And May the Force Be With You.