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No, I believe its as such.... And here's why.... (Just my view)

Have been thinking on a subject that is close to my heart and own personal Spirit.

Over the Last several years, from the beginning of the Temple, there has been an underlying turmoil that I have meditated on many times and in my own path, prayed upon. Even more so in the last several weeks. Two of my favorite sayings are:

Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see...

Faith is a journey, not a guilt trip...

Strangely enough, recently I was watching a Movie, "Beautiful Creatures" and felt there was what I have been meditating on to keep in my own life and to share with others. And this is they line that caught my attention....

God created all things, didn't he. It's only Man that goes and decides which ones are mistakes.....

Now with that being said. Many, like myself have a personal view and I am not saying the Word God is absolute because I have learned over the Years that it means something else in another's Heart and Mind. Whether it be The Force, Higher power, God, etc.... It's the underlined part that I bring to view for us all. Because as Jedi this is only one view but can mean many things.

Faith is just that, Faith. doesn't have to be religious or scientific. It is how one perceives something to follow, believe in or philosophize in.

Grand Master Neaj Pa Bol (Rev. Patricia J. Bolcerek, D.D., O.C.P., O.S.M.)
Charter Member
Matriarch of the Order
Grand Master
SA & Bishop Abrahamic SIG 

Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see...
Faith is a journey, not a guilt trip...

Quiet your emotions to find inner peace.
Learn from ignorance to foster knowledge.
Enjoy your passions but be immersed in serenity.
Understand the chaos to see the harmony.
Life and death is to be one with the Force.


For today I serve so that tomorrow I may serve again.

One step, One Vow, One Moment...

Too always remember it is not about me....