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When I think about things, I always make it a focus to look for a connection. We share the same teacher, me and you. When it comes to teachers, due to geography and availability we can all agree on this. Time has taught us both, and so has silence. Pupils you and I are together. The strangest thing is that we took from the same two teachers much different lessons at different times. In this light you could say we are both in the same class , classmates!!! Regardless of seniority , these two faithful teachers are still ( for me ) alive and kicking today. To share this is a great gift to realize.

Over time I have learned patience and some different forms of understanding. Silence has taught me great lessons in character and even forgiveness. Take a moment or some time this month to go back to our old and faithful teachers and be thankful for what all we have shared thus far. Make the connection a new one, or a old new one. Realize, this CAN be one of the many connections we can have for the taking, anytime. Rather than look at one another as strangers or someone new, yet to be connected to, try this on. Or if you really just can't find that "bridge" from your heart to mine - I offer this: Jedi ism can be a powerful thing and another way to make connections to the world we live in, directly, if we like, or if we choose. I hope that adding the name Jedi, can also add the name human and remove a few others in the process. May the Force we seek serve and Share - be with all y'all!

Comments (4)
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Yay !!!! Thank you for fixing that pastor !!!!

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Yay comment box!!!

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Such a wonderful reminder, don't forget where you came from, yeah now you can "force levitate an x wing" but don't forget the mastery that comes from focusing on rocks. Patience and silence great teachers, thank you for the reminder!

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