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Happy Temple Memorial Day. This is the day we have set aside to honour those that have passed back into the Force. Then harvest and Halloween also fall on the 31 st of October. We are all given life and no one really knows how long each of us has to actually live. It can drive some crazy and to the point of exhaustion just thinking and planning on all the different possibilities of time we all can possibly have. Although there is nothing wrong with planning and thinking on the end - there are many wise ideas that state the same thing - it is the moment , now, that we can focus on rather than the end. The voyage is often the place where one can live and have the subject of ones life,  rather than the destination. How we fight matters  more some days than if we win or not. It is in this light that I remind my Temple - remember the life - the gifts - the times - the ups -the downs- the good the bad and the ugly that our loved ones have left behind. Truly think about it for a few moments. It’s the lot that gives the glow. Honor the glow. Honor what was left behind. Truly , when we see these loved ones and the ones we cared for in this light - it’s kinna like they never really left. We often see Yoda or Obi glowing blue or white in the background as Jedi think about the Force and death but take some time - when you think about a loved one - to smile. Glow from the memory of them. How they helped you. Fred Rodgers is know to ask people - take two minutes to think about that special person who has had a great influence on you . Do that. Think of that person who has sacrificed and saved and even gave you so much growing up. When you think about them do they make you smile? 

Jedi teaching #4 says: Jedi are wary of attachments, both material and personal. The obsession over possessions and people creates the fear of losing those possessions and relationships which can cause ourselves to be trapped in a state of depression and loss.

Make the memory of a passed one shine , like Yoda or Obi from the past. Make them young and strong again. Bring them back if only for two minutes. Force be with y’all during the holidays.