Hits: 2025

Little things


What words can be said to make each one understand what we are doing in this lifetime? Who can tell us what it is to exist? If I see all things through my perception, my life is no exception, do I see how things are or how I see them? Is not pain different from what I see and what they really are? If everything is like this, life is like a flame, it has the power to transform matter, pure energy, that is the nature of fire. Still, as the flame now exists, the next instant it goes out, for it now exists and soon afterwards it no longer exists. Life is the flame that dances, time we are here and time we go, we love and hate, we act and we rest. If everything is like this, what do we do in this life? If what we feel is only our vision, why does it torment us so much? We are here to learn, this is human nature, to perceive, to learn and to change. We are guided by our emotions, by our logic, we forget that we are the flame that burns, but that the wind shakes.

Who has hope, hopes for what he does not see. If you do not know what that is, plant a seed in your yard and from that moment you are having hope. The earth is hope, it teaches us to cultivate this within ourselves, for if we have to wait without seeing the seed, we are practicing hope. If despair takes over, we may dig the hole to see if the seed has already germinated, taking away its protection, killing the hope of that bud a plant will become. For us it is very difficult to silence the mind, because our logic presses us, our feelings make our hearts fire, like fire we consume everything around us in our despair until not at all, then it consumes itself. Hope requires peace, requires knowing how to wait, requires the courage to believe in tomorrow. It seems trivial how simple it is, but to believe is always an act of hope. What is tomorrow? You can see? Can you play? Time is always intangible, believing the next moment is the simplest act of hope, we just do not realize why we do it every day.

Why do you want to hope? Hope in what? In a better life? A better job? In finding what you are looking for? This is simple but dangerous because you may not achieve any of these things. You can lose everything you have, everything, things, people, yourself. Still, to hope is to know that even then, life can be the greatest gift of all, that being here is not the burden of uncertainty, but the lightness of being and of being. You do not have to triumph, you just have to let yourself be carried away by the flow of the river of life, thank for those who come and those who go, not complaining because we have no rights to anything, we do not own anything and thus live like Child who in his innocence takes pleasure in the smallest things in life.

The key to this is your full attention. We only realize how delicious things are when we lose the ability of the most trivial things, such as seeing. You see every day, you do not strive for it, but stay one day without using the vision and perish how difficult it is to live without these small capacities that for some seem so banal. Are we grateful for our vision? Thanks for being able to do everything we do? What is more important, money or seeing? If you look at it, it's more important, because we're happy to find a hundred dollars on the floor, but are not we happy to open our eyes every day and we can see? That is the point of the question, if we have that spirit and do not understand how the smallest things are important, to cultivate hope in the heart will be like emptying a river with a glass, an endless service. The basis of hope is to see how things are linked in such a delicate way and how these little things are important. So no matter how great the wait is, you will have hope, for you will understand how precious that expectation is.