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The ability to become a Jedi has added to my path so much. It is not the direct path that does it but simply put , it has given me the ability or the freedoms to walk around and experiment and gain with things without ... attachment. I understand that’s not everyone’s focus , but for those seeking real life application to our faith we share in the real world , I offer this. Jedi teaching #4 says Jedi are wary of attachments, both material and personal.
One of the most freeing things I've found in my path is that there's no one telling me - anywhere - no I can't. In real life application - we tell one another - yes you can. Yes, you can question everything ... yes you can ask and think outside the box. Do it. Be wise and be ready for the results when you do. Don't be surprised when you find the answers to the questions you have either. I say that not to hurt any ones feelings but to simply state that's there is pretty much real answers for real questions. When you ask me personally - you normally get the same answer - depending on the question - " that's something I can't answer for you." I totally understand how that's frustrating because as a human we desire a given response. In life some times - more times,  it's up to us , personally, to make up our minds for ourselves - what -the answers will be. We as humans and as Jedi have that right. Question. Ask . Seek. Wonder . --- find. The general way of thinking for most is accept. Repeat. That's not wrong by any means but there can be an additional part of discovery and research and learning that can benefit any heart. There is much benefit from seeking than from malevolence. Big difference. 

Choose  your focus of question and wonder and choose your intention. You can change em if ya like to change the result. Corruptibility  yet ... integrity ! 
May the Force we share, seek and for some of us , serve, be with you!

Build not tear down