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Is the Force Real?

By Rick D.

Life energy, every philosophy has a name for it: chi; ki; aura; chakra; even the Jedi understand it and call it the Force. In the scientific realm it is known as Quantum Mechanics – “a fundamental theory of nature at the small scales and energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles” (1). At the atomic level there is a nucleus with one or more electrons that revolve around it magnetically, which causes electricity to build up inside the radius of the electron’s path. The speed of the electron determines the amount of energy and density of the mass of atom. This applies to every atom, and everything is made of atoms thus everything is made of energy.

As Jedi we must come to a transformed understanding of the physical universe; that this energy, or Force, forms the base of and radiates out of all things. Eastern philosophy has understood this for centuries, but it is only in the last century that the western world has been able to use science to understand it. Albert Einstein was one of the founders of the idea of quantum mechanics, and expanded it with the theory of quantum entanglement, when he found that particles, even when separated by great distances, remain connected and their actions effect each other (2). Even his most famous formula: E=mc2 is a testament that mass and energy are related.

The ideas George Lucas wrote about in what he called “the Force” can now be studied and quantified as real. Evidence shows that everything is created of pure energy, and that energy can be manipulated. The question now is: how can we, as Jedi use this energy; how can we see it; feel it; and use it?

The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield, says that human perception of this begins with a heightened sense of beauty, as if we begin to see the energy surrounding the object and that by focusing our attention on this energy we can begin to see it and feel it more readily. An article posted on the Asaya Mind blog discussed ten experiments that will change the way you look at energy and how our thoughts have power (3). Each one involves the power of thought and projecting energy. #6 in particular “TohAte” is most intriguing because it involves something that can be directly related to the Star Wars Jedi – the Force Push, as discussed as part of the Nishino Breathing Method (4). 

As real Jedi, we try to distance ourselves from the Star Wars moniker, but we use the term “Jedi” for a reason, and that is because we hold a belief in the philosophy that the Jedi espoused. While much of the Star Wars “Jedi doctrine” is based on fantasy, some of it does relate to real world ideas and philosophies. As such it is our duty, if we want to call ourselves Jedi, to find those real world Jedi ideas and explore them further. Using the Force is one of those ideas, and we should explore it further as part of our own Jedi doctrine!


(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mechanics/ 

(2) https://www.livescience.com/28550-how-quantum-entanglement-works-infographic.html/

(3) Asaya Mind   http://asayamind.com/danger-10-experiments-that-will-forever-change-how-you-think-about-your-thinking/

(4) The Nishino Breathing Method  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1475930/