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How we design our wooden car, to burn forever on the road As Jedi, we must show our discipline and our courage to do not. The word discipline comes from the root word disciple. It talks about learning. Discipline is not about forcing. It is about the self-encouragement to continue learning. When we are inconsistent, fickle, one can still have discipline. But we need to reach harmony to continue with this discipline in the long run, so take your time, to stand up when you fall, and encourage others to do the same. Discipline is not the work of one single thingy. It is a symbiosis between the will to reach and holding back to recharge. Like fire, burning the wood, if there is no more wood, the fire will end. And the ash will cool down slowly. Then we will face burn out in the end. How can one person stand up to this pressure of gathering wood? How to say: ,,no’’ to yourself when you want to continue, but when your wood is gone? We should learn to feel the pattern inside ourselves, to understand our borders of comfort. To know the way of commitment, we must first learn how to accept ‘no’. ‘No’ in this case is much like realizing when to switch ourselves on and off from a task, when we feel not ready to continue, we probably should not. Knowing without doing is like knowing how to drive save, without the brakes. When it goes wrong there is no going back. Accept that we need to fail, in order to know how to buy our ‘personal custom made brakes.’ Accept that failure is not a final end, but let it strengthen yourself. Accept feedback and other tools that are given by experience, and do not hold yourself back to admit using them. Without recognizing our own failure and our own tools, we cannot recognize our own success. When we are not willingly to hold back when needed, there cannot be discipline in a human being. May the force shine with you, *** ~ Aqua