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Sermon: How long have you lived?
Jan 4 2014
Sajjad Heydari (MCSH)

When Alexander the great, was expanding, in one of his attack to Iran, he conquered a village, like many others. On his way to village, he passed the graveyard. He noticed something strange. People of this village lived so short. He went to village’s elder, and asked him why some of their people lived 3 hours, others a few days and the highest lifetime was 10 years only?

The elder explained when someone is about to die, they ask him a few questions, like:

-What art did you learned? What art did you taught?
-What science did you learned? What science did you taught?
-Where you useful to others?

Then we calculate the hours that person was useful, and we write it on their graves.

Think about this story... How much have you lived? Are you going to live longer?

From numbers point of view, in 60 years, we - humans- are:

-25 years (non stop) of work (such as study, housework, or any other kind of work)
-20 years of sleep.
-2.5 years of eating
-1.5 years of sitting in toilet, which results in 65700KG and 43800Lit “Products”

Are you these numbers? Read them once more and ask yourself:
-What art did you learned? What art did you taught?
-What science did you learned? What science did you taught?
-Where you useful to others?
-How many years have you spend doing other things?
-How long have you lived? Are you going to live longer?

If these numbers and questions, made you smile or frown (even if inside...) there is hope.

May the Force be with you.