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I was going to post this on Feb. 8th but wanted the Sermon before mine get some reading time as it should be...

Not so long ago I saw a post that mentioned, "Are we here to help others". That no one here was to help its members.

Yes, we are here for our members, but, one has to remember that in some cases, we do what we can out of caring and counseling within our ability. Not all things we handle. We do not give medical advice or Psychiatric, etc. We can suggest where to seek that specific kind of help in our perspective locations or needs.

Not to say that everything someone goes through does not matter. Contraire... You do matter to us a great deal.

Nevertheless, in the realism of this world and everyday life. Some things are best left to professionals if it comes down to a Medical or Psychiatric matter.  

I say this, because of my Medical background, not to warrant controversy. The Temple is of a religious nature and guidelines are respected in everyday life.

You can always seek members that have been here a while, Knights, Masters, Council, etc. In private for discussion in the most human of ways or even just to talk.

Life gives enough challenges each day and there are times we just need to vent peacefully and bounce thoughts off of others for insight.


Gr. Master Neaj Pa Bol