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This year has found the Temple with new people and new ideas. We have direction in almost every area of the Temple. This year, if you are looking for a place to share and study, then we encourage you to start here. Our Degree Scheme is up and running with new lessons and new ideas to study and seek. Seminary is open as are many Outreaches we have throughout the year. We have a Monday morning Devotional on Doctrine, and we have a crash course on Philosophy if you like as well. We have meetings and events on Zoom and Discord that can put you face to face with one another. We have seen members and Temple family go, grieve, return and even grow. This year has been very TRYING for my family. Our mettle was tested. We were tried and tested to the point of wanting to quit. We have not. Even better is the fact that we have become the ones who can help others now. Every year grants a new hope and new seeds of hope. 

Take some time to be grateful and thankful to your MENTORS. 

Mentors matter. I will tell you this in truth - If not for the grace and love of a Mentor, some days I would have problems locating it. We need examples, ACTUAL examples of what can be. Mentors do this. There is a Mentor in almost any stage in your path right now. These select few do more than just TRY, they do it. Send some love for the time and effort someone has given to you this year. I am so glad I know of this place. My son from my first marriage is in jail for the holiday season. Seems things always go wrong when you need them to go right but then...

I am teaching MY OWN SON about Zeal and how powerful the human potential is. He is walking next to me as before we were separated and segregated. Things do not always go the way we like. Times even take us out of our "safe space." Thank your Mentor for pushing you out of a comfort zone or two. If you see a need Jedi, by all means figure if it's you who can help or not first. Can you stand on your own two feet before you tell someone to train on one? 

Help others, HELP YOURSELF. By helping yourself, you can help others. 

By understanding what we can go through in life, we can maybe help others understand what THEY are going through life as well. Thats kinna how it works. That is all we really do here anyway is SHARE. We do not have to share or even show up but look what happens when we all do. Look at this place- after 17 years we are still standing and very tall I might add. But not too tall ya. Balance is always needed. Even during this season. Are you the haven or the oasis others need and what really are we sharing? Thank a Mentor for the time and effort they give you. 

Happy holidays and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and Birthday Temple of the Jedi Order. 

I am forever in your debt for the mercy, privilege and honor to serve you every day these past years as your Pastor. May much more come, you have my word on it.

Pastor Carlos