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Happy week and FRIDAY Jedi everywhere. Pastor Carlos here with something a bit different. If you permit me, I will share a bit with you.

For over ten years, the wife and I have been waiting for a class. It is a program the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs has for its Veterans. You have to enroll and do the proper evaluations and validations but if you qualify, you will receive additional training. The additional training is a program called "Building Better Caregivers." It is a 6-week self-paced course geared at helping one another to support each other with everyday advice. The class is covered by current official health care and mental healthcare standards and overseen by Licensed Clinical Social Workers. One of the ideas they try to tell everyone, and share is the need and use of scheduling. 

There is a practice of removing the word BUT from our speech. When I heard this, my "Yoda" ears perked up and I actually grabbed a pen and paper. Here we go.

The word "BUT" can be used in many ways. One chief way it has been used in my own path is as a rock. A big heavy rock.

The key point I am talking about is the obstacle of inaction in our speech. The word "BUT" can create a decision or a choice that is not truly present.

"I want this BUT I have to do that first."

This is what I am talking about. An obstacle can be created in our speech when we use the word "BUT". The "BUT" can usually be used as an excuse to not act or can open the door to inaction. By replacing the word "BUT" with the word "AND", see if it the results change. See if when you trade one word for the other, the outcome changes. It can change the way you think. This very idea can open doors to places unknown. Watch if your brain does not begin to work a bit differently and notice things a bit...more.

Yoda says in the 1980 movie The Empire Strikes Back, "DO OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY". In the duality of this world, there is action and inaction. It is my hope that as we seek and grow and share, we also share the good stuff. That's right I said it, the good stuff. In the course of human development, we AID one another with our presence and our relationships. Some may need time and energy. Moreso than others. It is my hope and encouragement that our speech can be the evidence of what we believe as well. By removing the BUT in some of our sentences, we can make room for action. 

Have you come to a place where things need to move, or a change is needed? Think about this if you like, get your "BUT"'s out of the way and see if something is on the other side of the common obstacles we set by this one word. Walk around it. 

You let that tiny word tell you where you can and cannot go or do? 

Do or do, there is no try. 

Something different today

*If you are willing,

*Make the decision.

*Act and *reflect then see where you're at. 

*Or don't- that's ok too!

*You don't have to take my word for it...

Pastor Carlos

May the Force be with y'all