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From the dawn of time are we just too cynical?...

 by Master Neaj (Patricia Bolcerek)


From the dawn of time, religion has been on the foremost front of Man's thinking and belief system as well as conflict of ideal thinking. Man has always had some sort of belief system in the Divine or Ethereal. Whether in multiple Gods and Goddesses to today's singular/trinity beliefs, to a Power greater than ourselves that has one item in common. An Intellectual, Spiritual Force.

From 3000 - 5000 B.C. and even into 10,000 B.C., records are sporadic in details of religions and how man believed and where it all started from to have an Ancient exact History of religion.

Why some have asked for thousands of years is religion such a hot topic. Mans not wanting to be alone in this corporeal life? Why in certain cultures and specific areas, religion was as strong as its own governing bodies and is somewhat still today. Why are most religions dealing with the Divine and some both Divine and Other worldly beings? The answers are more than I can write in this sermon. What I will say to anyone is this...

Does it really matter how I or you as a Jedi believe? Simply, No. Each of us comes from varied backgrounds of how we got here. If we were to examine every religion since the dawn of man and try to separate ourselves from history we would not be here where we are today.

My choices and beliefs can and will differ from the next because you are not me and I am not you. But we are in consensus that we believe in a path that is the same.  

Even in the fictional Star Wars world, Han Solo states to Ben and Luke:

"Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've  seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me
believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny."

Throughout the EU and in the Old Republic stories, other's religions are regarded by Jedi in respect, not defamation or belittlement that I have seen over the years by people towards how those of us that follow our belief's believe in being Jedi may differ from another's.

Since the time this Temple has begun and many talks and discussions with Br. John and others of the Old Guard... One of the biggest conflicts has always been what we call the Special Interest Groups today, as a part of the Temple. Let's be realistic. When we started and we still propose today is open to any and all from whatever religious backgrounds that believe in the Jedi Philosophy, are welcome and can call the Temple Home.

It is time to let go of viewing others system of how they believe they are Jedi and just embrace being Jedi as one Respected Group.

We don't need to hold on to the Dawn of time vice grip that only one is correct. We cannot grow in respect of those around us without letting go and just grow as Jedi.

I've listened to Br. John's interview many times and still do and pause at the fact that in just the simple tones of open to all who seek the Jedi Philosophy. One will find Peace and the basis of, to serve others.....

Let Us Embrace any and all Jedi home and seek to make our home others who are seeking.....