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"I burn my light for a sunrise that I will never see."  

   -Luthen Rael 

Have you been following along with Andor? In a recent episode, one of the masterminds behind the rebellion is asked what he has sacrificed for the cause. In one of the most well written speeches in TV history, Luthen Rael goes on to express, and I am massively paraphrasing here go watch the speech because it was brilliant, that he has given up everything.


Now that is unwavering faith.


Jedi Teaching Three states "Jedi are aware of the future impacts of action and inaction and of the influence of the past, but live in and focus on the Now. We let ourselves flow like water through the events around us. We embrace the ever-changing and fluid world, adapting and changing as it does."


One of the hardest parts of following any spiritual path including Jediism is not necessarily seeing the world around you change. In Christianity there is a verse, be in the world but not of this world. So what does that mean exactly and how does it relate not only to Jedi Teaching Number Three but Luthen Rael's quote?


That is a good question, and I am glad that you asked it. You may actually be having more impact on your world by holding the space for and modeling the change that you want to see. Even those who are called to lead, speak, coach, or clergy if the actions don't match the words, the energy will give it away and they will fall on deaf ears.


Yet, the impact you make may not be fully seen in your lifetime. I have had the great honor of seeing some of the fruits of my labor through my sisters' kids.


My mother wasn't pleased when I came out at eighteen. I got the whole fire and brimstone speech, although luckily, she loved me more than her beliefs. We had a rough time coming to terms but eventually, we found a way to honor each other.


Two out of three of my sister's kids are queer. My sister is their biggest champion, always being supportive and fighting off the people who may not be.


My ultimate mission in my life is to create a world where everyone can live Integrated, creative, authentic, empowered and profitable; wherever, whenever, and with whomever they choose without labels or judgments.


It is unlikely I will ever see that day dawn but I think back to people like Leonardo Di Vinci, The Medidichis, hell even Thomas Edison who just started seeing their lives work being widely accepted.


So my question to you my friends is this, what do you burn your light for and can you hold faith that it will come to fruition?