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Greeting and many blessings to y'all and y'alls family where ever you are today. May the Force we share be with y'all.


The Ebb and Flow of things happens with or without our consent. Life gets full. Today, I was thinking about the past. I was never under Jestor, TM wise. He was never my official teacher here. Yet, I was looking at our PMs from the past, I found a few from SENAN. If you do not know who these two are feel free to wander our halls and find them, they often glow blue here. One is still with us. So, one of the things we would "chat" about is colors and music. Sight and sound and thought. One of the things Senan and me would chat about is real life ROCK. I'm talking about the warm beer and the crappy bands and the headache hangovers that come with the territory. One of the things we would mesh on was that MIX TAPE or what we called the "garage pop." Jestor used to tell me often of the colors that we display. There was a saying we had and ill gladly share it so you can have it for yourself. The statement was this, say it with me..." Just get it on the tape and finish the song." Some times you will never know in the Rock world, people remember the whole song, never those who didn't finish it. Think about this in our Modern day Jedi paths. For many of us, OTHERS is a huge focus. What will they remember when we are no longer there? Modern day Jedi - finish the song! Keep going, even if you forget the words or how exactly what's up with the what's up, finish the song friends. Song loud and proud. Play your colors, hoist them! Show them and let the color flow.

Doctrine (templeofthejediorder.org)

Here are OUR 16 teachings. I cannot express how exactly they work but to take a few moments daily with these teachings "changed me sight," or where I look and how, aargh! I am here today to tell you all Jedi, modern day type folk to continue where you are at. Don't quit your study and don't stop learning. Especially DONT STOP SHARING, keep it up and please don't stop. Not every song is ever the same. No two colors will ever be the same as well in our path and in our own walks. Not every song will go gold. Does it have to? Not every color shines...does it have to? I know a song by a group called Exit 116 who never made it and yet, yet I still sing it. We all have our own sound and practice friends. We are not the same. That's ok too. The sooner we understand this, the more songs we can have and the better hues we can know of. Keep sharing friend and keep going. Keep reading and keep studying, don't stop. Even after your gone, someone WILL remember. Some times it may take some time. LIVE FOREVER, PLAY LOUD, PLAY HARD, AND FINISH YOUR SONG someone may need it... if, for nothing else, then to see some one finish. Prove it can be done.

May the Force we share be with you.

Pastor Carlos