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I was recently troubled. My mind was confused, my spirit was scattered, my centre of balance was way off the mark. As a result, my actions were rash and my words unconsidered. Thankfully, I was able to take some time off to reconnect with the Force; in this instance by standing on a beach in a cold wind and contemplating what to do.
But even that amount of thinking just added to the confusion so I stopped and I let it all go. Gradually I allowed my thoughts to be carried away by the waves, consciously at first but then drifting more instinctively as the minutes flowed by.
Such places have immense power and can provide a direct connection to the contemplative nature of the Force. Natural energies, unfettered by the concrete and steel of urban life, allow us to see the Universe at work and to gain insight from that. Sitting under a tree in the woods, gazing at the sky, watching the waves...
The lesson I received was a reminder of the Taoist principles that I have tried to live by but in moments of stress and confusion find it hard to recall. Water will flow into any container, adopting that shape, yet will remain fluid and able to change as it flows out again. We like to try to force water into places that we have the most use for it - we create dams, systems of irrigation, plumbing and pipework.
Yet we get annoyed when that water fails to meet our expectations and does what it wants to do. Is the water at fault or is it our own need for control that is being questioned? The recent storms in the United States remind us of the awesome power of nature. Scenes of flooded streets in New York evoke a reverence and humility when faced with such pervading force.
And so it is with the Force itself. We can try to use energies to power our own plans; we can even attempt to influence the paths of others. But when we over-burden ourselves and need a way out, all we have to do is to be quiet and to listen. In moments of stillness, we consciously connect. If lessons appear, then great. If not, then that's great too.
Waves roll in, waves roll out.