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Discipline may be the key

I will not say here who really understand the meaning of it all, writing a sermon often find a solution or have a vision of something that you often not thought to be so important. Discipline was something that, for me, was not part of my life and it was a distant target for me to catch up. Finally I thought: Do we really know the meaning of discipline, or just conjecture about what it was. Researching what would discipline I found really nice things and I'll share with you here.

Discipline secondKrishnamurti would be a pattern. This pattern would be different for every single thing you proposed us to do, so I start from the premise that some subjects can become contradictory in some sense; after that I thought it really would be a good idea to put me into a pattern as they often set ourselves the situations and forget to be ourselves. Krishnamurti himself encourages us not to think through knowledge, because this distorts our way to see and feel. As well as the question of thinking, which always thought I had to find a middle ground, the question for me becomes equal. Discipline should be used in questions it is really necessary, but use it in an exaggerated way can make our service lives and dull, I believe this would be an easy way to fatally fall into depression or something.

So watching these issues I realized that many areas of my life need discipline; when I think of my work, my academic life, my religious life, I think that most of the time I need that discipline. Many times I may feel unwilling to do certain work and my mood can seriously affect my income these work that needs to be developed, but I need that these tasks are done, anyway, since many depend on the result of this work. According to what I read and learned about discipline, we do what we do, what they tell us, what we intend to do without anything to interfere in our work; when we started to do a job and we're feeling bad, our body ends up taking up this new task and to perform, we carried out and useful. It's like exercise in often to do this, I feel unwell and tired, but when I find the pace of the exercise I feel good. For many things this is a great solution, but even so, life is not made up of extremes.

Get into a pattern, always means doing things the same way every time in the time it propose to accomplish. In my view this limits my life so that new things can not get, always living the same way and doing the same things, so we created a routine and we know that the routine regulates our lives and organize in a way that all comes out as expected. So there comes a problem: boredom. I believe that my life must have more discipline, I must mold me in some way so you can do my daily routine, but suppress my "rebellion" to break the rules and dare and do new things, it seems to me a way to suppress my creativity and make my life less exciting. Often daring and break the rules and change everything, that renews us, brings us progress, it shows the real brilliance of our lives.

It seems to me that the middle way, again proved an answer, have the discipline to me is something that keeps me in line and causes me to give good results, but indiscipline makes me relax, show me new ways, new ideas and dispersed my stress. The next question is how to be disciplined and what time break the rules.

For me I decided to create a list, that list I put all that is essential to do in my day, all I have to do; so every day I must abide by it, over time my brain will get used to this routine and will be so difficult or strenuous run them. This is the same conditioning that any athlete or military (these brothers and sisters know well as it is). On the other hand, vague time for a free activity is a good way to escape the routine and be yourself in a complete manner, at such times I like to exercise my hobbies, it keeps me relaxed, I put my head back on place, regardless of the difficulties, there is always a time for me to breathe. I like to think of it as a fight; when the fighter is in combat it must follow a pattern, following the fighting techniques, breathing, posture and movement and one time or another, dare something different and new, surprising the opponent; when the gong sounds, you can sit relax, drink some water and take a deep breath and relax. So I plan to guide my life because I was always very undisciplined, so I think I have improved in many aspects of my life. As for you sisters and brothers, draw their own conclusions about their lives and I hope that this has helped them to think about it.