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" I have not failed 10, 000 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 10, 000 ways will not work." Edison Depending on our focus, our fails can be seen not as some big scary black hole of an end. For as many years as I have been and will continue to play video games its taken me this long...30 plus years... to finally get the right focus on a few things mainly a few things on focus. Im not sure where I got the condition that says if I fail all my world will come to a complete halt and vanish into thin air. .........Ive noticed actually the exact opposite. I didn't die after I failed nor did everything re boot, the need was still present and I was still playing, so to speak. I just hadn't found it yet. The more I learn the more I see the fear of failure lurking around a lot. This sermon is to those who need that reminder that our failures are not really failures. Our world doesn't end when we "fail". What some focus on as failure is some times the path to achievement. To call the road of Trial and Error failure is like calling Time a fool for taking so long to heal wounds. (Both physically and spiritually as well as mentally.) Some days our failures seem so heavy and crushing right where we stand. Rather than point out the fail, we as Jedi and human beings need to remember they, the fail, can be the not the bocks to imprison but the block paving the way. See the failure as a step forward toward your larger goal. This journey we called Life is full of failure as some see it or...Full of roads paved with decisions and insight leading different ways. Its all in your own focus Jedi. May that Living Force be with you all.