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Greetings, fellow Jedi.
At any given moment we are presented opportunities to make a choice. 
Some of these choices are simple:
Turn left or right. 
Buy 1% or 2% milk.
Some choices are a little more complex:
Go to the library or stay home.
Give 100% to your task.
Smile instead of scowl, despite the long day.
And some choices have lasting impacts on our lives:
Accepting a promotion.
Buying a new home.
Move to a new city.
Choices exist only in the moment they occur.  Not before and not after.
Worrying about the outcome of a future choice creates a mental state that takes away from the present.
Worrying about the outcome of a past choice does the same thing.
If we take the energy of worrying and pour it instead to the present, the choices in the past or future have less, if any, power over the present.
Courage of the moment is the strength to let go of the past and recognize that the future will get here when it gets here.
Embrace your courage and live in the moment!