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June’s Jediism reflection seems beautifully apt for the time we are having in the US so we are talking about it a week early.

Another school shooting. Elementary children are annihilated by weapons designed to have the maximum casualties in war. Countless other atrocities happening around the world that some may even say chaos has erupted. Who am I kidding? It has been chaos for much of the century.

As Jedi, we are asked to find harmony.

I hear you saying, “Jeff, how the l;ksdf;klasjdf are we supposed to do that when this one is saying this and this leader is doing that and inflation and gas prices and… and.. and…”

Breathe. That’s it, a nice deep breath. One of the reasons that we teach meditation is so that we can come back to this breath whenever we need to. Notice whatever is going on in your body without judgment and let it flow through you. All emotions can flow through your body within 15 seconds if you don’t pick them back up.

Next, turn off the news and maybe even take a break from social media. Social media is a great communication tool and we have conditioned ourselves that because I post, like, and comment that we are communicating when we are isolating ourselves seeing what it is that the algorithm thinks will keep us on the site. Whether that be to show you similar views that you can agree with or opposing views you can rant on. Anything to keep you an active user.

Move. Whether that is a walk outside, a dishwater dance party, or a 15-minute stretch, by getting into your body and out of your head you allow your cells more oxygen so they can release and burn off the trapped hormones.

Have an in-person conversation with your neighbor. I have been guilty of texting a roommate when we are in different rooms. What does it look like if you bring over some cookies or a nice cutting of a houseplant and say hello? So often in my life, I haven’t even known my neighbor’s name yet have “friends” all over the world.

We have amazing power in our local governments where these laws are created.

Work on your next Jedi Assignment. No matter what that assignment is, it is designed to bring harmony through your mind, body, and spiritual connection.

As Watts wrote “Peace can be made only by those who are peaceful, and love can be shown only by those who love. No work of love will flourish out of guilt, fear, or hollowness of heart, just as no valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now.”

Harmony is the same way. It is a frequency that radiates from you. It is a practice that you cultivate. It is a conscious choice to not react, to pause and respond and only then if need be.

One of the more recent practices that I have taken on is to send a friend any post that triggers me to a point I want to say something. I don’t post, don’t respond because that isn’t going to do anything. My peace is more valuable because it is within that peace that a harmonious connection with the Force lies.


May you feel the presence of the Force for the Force is always with you!