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The message I have to share today won’t take too much time, but it’s one that I often find telling over and over again to people that I share sacred space with. It’s something that even I have to remind myself on a regular basis because it’s too easy to fall into the habit of simply thinking about doing.


Now, I’m an advocate for reflection and mindful observation of action, but in that state of being, we have to move our processes outwardly and be a benefactor of advocacy for the self and others. With this, I’m speaking in reference to the care you provide to yourself on a daily basis…how do you ensure that your needs are met in such a way that you can be the spark to lessen the suffering of pain in the lives around you?


You don’t need to have superpowers or a magic cape to make a difference, only a heart fueled by compassion and understanding for another. That could take shape in the form of a smile, a hug, or simply the gentle acknowledgement of another’s presence.


But in the art of giving, we need to be aware of our own spiritual baseline. We shouldn’t make a habit of draining our well so that everyone, but you can be fruitful. Empathy springs from the spirit to share with the pain of another, so in knowing that, we need to be compassionate warriors who also maintain our own wellness gardens.


As Jedi, we come to understand that through our giving we receive, but I further interpret that line to mean that we should give back and nurture ourselves insomuch that our labors may be shared with the rest of the world.


Over this beautiful weekend, go out and refill yourself in ways that are supportive to your own needs and conducive of a healthy live. Nix that alcohol or junk food for a day and care for yourself. Don’t use this as a thought experiment…don’t simply think about your self-care…commit to act on it, not only for yourself, but the people who share in this life with you.


They matter…and so do you.