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Who here has heard the phrase "fear is the mind killer?" 


Fear is that little thing in the back of our consciousness,  that starts out as doubt.  Doesn't seem like much at first,  but if left unchecked, like a cancer it will  grow into something insidious. Given enough time,  we become comfortable with it,  and that is the beginning of the end...


Once a person begins to become accustomed to this,  it quickly becomes a crutch. Instead of someone going after their dreams in life,  they settle...


They settle for an existence that will one day barely resemble their previous lives.  Whatever passion may have existed,  is slowly over time suffocated until that spark in their eyes is dead. 


And usually,  it all started with one doubt, left unchecked...


But it's so easy... 


Falling back into old habits and allowing that doubt to whisper in our ears,  until it grows into constant apprehension,  is enough to make anyone give up on life.  

It's a little scary when I think about it,  it almost seems like it was inserted within our lives to test us. 


Now,  I'm not suggesting any of you reading this should go through your lives without questioning yourself,  as many times one will need to be able to take a step back and get a better picture of what's in front of us in order to approach it from a better angle.  


There is quite a bit of difference between questioning whether we're right in our assumptions,  and doubting our abilities, our very strengths.  The first is often imperative in keeping an open mind in order to remain flexible,  instead of becoming stubborn. 


The later will leave you doubting yourself needlessly,  to the point you no longer are following your life's passion. 


That's not a life worth living,  and I speak from experience from watching family members and friends wither into shells of their former lives,  because fighting for what they wanted in life would have meant even more suffering. 


They either grew too scared to push themselves to achieve their goals,  or grew comfortable with remaining stagnant and depressed,  or both. I'm pretty sure every one of you reading this knows at least one person that fits this description.  


Resisting that little voice in your head,  the one that whispers "give up"  is no easy task,  especially if we've grown used it's whispers. It requires determination,  and the courage make a choice,  a decision. 


The decision,  that settling for an easy life is not a part of our journey.  To push ourselves when we are afraid.  To get back up one more time after we've fallen.  Everyone falls down occasionally,  it's how we get back up that determines who we are.  


Pursuing our passions to the furthest of our abilities is sure to create a life filled with obstacles,  one after another. It won't be easy,  and would life be worth living if it were? So Instead of listening to that voice in our head that whispers "you're not good enough" after you've fallen,  tell yourself "I will try again." 


It's important we continue to tell ourselves this,  regardless of how many times we fall.  Instead of continually allowing that voice to bring us down, we need to literally become our own support group,  our own "best friend."  


It sounds lame,  I know,  but ask yourselves what the    alternative is? 


Believe in yourself,  because if you don't,  no one else ever will...


It all starts with that first step each day.  Walk into uncertainty with the faith you can handle whatever obstacle presents itself.  


Believe in yourself, the outcome is not predetermined.  The journey will be a bumpy one,  filled with obstacles. Believe in yourself,  You got this Jedi... 



