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Good day and May the Force be with you from where you hail. 

My kids love grapes. I like grapes. I think it is safe to say as humans, we all like grapes. Some people may be allergic, and some may actually not like them but for the most part, grapes are delicious and pretty available in most places and are the cats' pajamas. 

Knowledge can be LIKE grapes. There is so much out there and so many different versions and things to do with knowledge that you can turn it into wisdom. Without knowledge you have no wisdom. Here is the deeper end of the pool too, not all wisdom is knowledge. So as Jedi, how do we know the difference? How do we NOT eat the grapes before we pay for them? How do we not eat all the grapes in one sitting? How do you as a Jedi NOT just blurt out and shine so bright, we blind some or deafen others? Is it our goal as Jedi to give so much AID to one another its almost too much to do anything with?

  • Knowledge is gathered from learning and education, while most say that wisdom is gathered from day-to-day experiences and is a state of being wise. Knowledge is merely having clarity of facts and truths, while wisdom is the practical ability to make consistently good decisions in life. Knowledge is information of which someone is aware.

Which do we share most of? Do we eat all the grapes? Is every shred of information for us and our specific path? It takes THREE YEARS for fruit to grow on vines to be able to consume and market. How long does three years last around you? Better yet, do you pose a filter or a pathway that can remember that we can hear so much it can deafen and say so much it can turn others away. We can act and cause others harm as equally as we can give AID. 

Our Maxim's remind us...

Training: To know one's ignorance.

A Jedi knows there is always something more to learn and seeks new lessons every day.

Absorb what is useful. Discard what is useless. In THAT very balance, we can have the ultimate diversity and balance.  The Jedi. 

Intervention: To know when not to act.

A Jedi knows how inaction can have as great an impact as action and how some of the greatest lessons are self-taught. To be a victor is also taking that victory from those you protect. A Jedi intervenes only when a Jedi's intervention is required.

There is a mix in the AID we give and a balance. Jedi are amazing and that's the glitch or where the potential dwells. What we do here is awesome. How we do it... that's the kicker. Our execution of our own AID can be the sight given or the taking from others.

Jedi can strive to have a balance. 

This is one of the reasons journaling is so important. 

You don't have to eat all the grapes before you get home and not every bit of info is wisdom. Find out what is what and "What's up with the what's up," ya?

May the Force be with y'all

Pastor Carlos