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Here at the Temple of the Jedi Order, we welcome everyone from all walks of life. We unite under the banner of Jedi. We are here in our OBSERVANCE of the Force. We do NOT see the same things. None of us share the same views. We all have different eyes and situations we go through. The SANCITY of each person is a hope. Jedi are aware of their surroundings and those in it. We know where we go and do and speak. At least that is one of the possible basic focuses. Being a Jedi is a choice. In 2023, you can be anything. You can also be anything and argue about it. Arguments are rarely the idea when seeking is involved. We have our Codes and Doctrine. Study it and hide it in your heart, mind and soul. You may need a reminder of your focus or ideas. 

We have this treasure we share. It is not the same, but it is. In the seek of life and time, we are on the same road. I am on a self-reflective path. I am grateful to have Jedi to lead and guide my paths. I wish I had more Jedi in my own path, but friends and family come as they do. As a Jedi today, you can share with your choice to unite under Jedi ideas. Love, pardon, faith, hope, light, and joy are not UNATTAINABLE, but they don't come over-night or instantly, either.  So, do you or can you recognize others on this path? The one you are on? 

Regardless of choice of identity, we are all human. This is one of the most basic things that unite us REGARDLESS of if we acknowledge it or not. Still happens. We are human. We cry and hurt and go through times in our lives and paths together. It may seem like we are alone, but we are not. One of the things in the Hero's Journey that gets me every time is that off screen, there is a Mentor or help EVERY STEP OF THE WAY except when it's on you. We make the decision, but we have help. Some of us have the same focus but our roads or our paths are not similar. THAT'S the idea. Same focus, "waaay" different outcomes. Thats the idea. If you are seeking cookie cutter ideas and "THOU SHALTS..." this is not the place. Here, we will encourage you to try. We encourage others to share. We encourage. 

12. Jedi believe that love and compassion are central to their lives. We must love and care for each other as we must love and care for ourselves; by doing this we envelop all life in the positivity of our actions and thoughts. We are providers and beacons of hope.

There is hope in positivity and encouragement. Want some? Share it. Give it. Change your method of presentation if no one knows its encouragement. It is really that easy, but it is scary. It IS a vulnerable point where we can be hurt or even let down. Make it a choice to be POSITIVE not, Negative. There are others who are on this path. There IS help.  Are you the HELP that is needed at this time for others?  Or are you the Jedi Jerk. It is my hope we are not the Jedi Jerk. They are out there. As are the Jedi friend and Jedi mentor. KNOW and BE the difference.

Add the Force - change your course. 

Pastor Carlos

Be good and kind to you and one another. We are here together. 
