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I was thinking lately about Jediism versus Christianity.....

It isn't a case of one versus the other, really....

But, as we hear when we are young, learn when we get older, and understand, well, when we understand "the game of black and white", thing are best known by their opposites...

You can generally know something in quick terms...

The game 20 questions shows us that...

Even the electronic, hand held version of it, can guess "poop" in less than 20 guesses...

Obviously, Jediism, isn't an animal, vegtable or mineral, it is a thing..

(The newer version asks 'animal, vegetable, mineral, thing, or idea, pigeon-holing things yet further...)

Anyway, by saying its a thing (or idea), we know its not a elephant, not a plant or a rock...

It could be a waterfall, as it is a thing (yes, so are elephants, plants and rocks, stay with me... Tear up my overall idea, not the individual statements I use to get my point out...;)), but, it definitely, definitely is an idea....;)

So, to define it, we have to look for what it is not, its not an idea about fishing... Nor knitting..

It's about belief,  to some, it is about religion...

So we have to compare this apple to other apples...;)

Christianity being the "Big One", we can use it...

Now stripping away the personality, and name God, we can (I can, anyway) say that it is pretty close to the same....

I don't trust the bible, it was old when it was written... It has some great lessons, don't get me wrong, but all of life does... And the bible was written about things that are in the past... Even for then, they told about past things...

And, has old ideas... "same sex relations forbidden", "stonings", what else? Im no biblical scholar, lol...

From what I remember,  there was some prophecy,  but less of that...

More like "remember and honor the past" kinda writings...

Every story has lessons, not just the bible's stories...

Current stories, movies and books, predominantly take place in the present....

Considering the age of man, really, compared to our planet, even the bible isn't really old, but, its not current either...

Whereas most of todays stories, are happening now, 100 years ago, to 100 years from now.. Really, not that long...

"The Matrix", "Star Trek", "Flash Gordon", "Buck Rogers and the 25th Century", "BattleStar Galactica" and so many more talked about the future....

They had a hero, or heros, who against all odds, seemed to scrape through on luck and grit.. Maybe like MacGuyver, using some spit, bailing wire, and duct tape... Always need duct tape... Or, how Star Wars coulda turned out had they focused on Han Solo and Chewie...

But Star Wars was a bit different... They are set in the way off future too, but, the trust in an unseen power was what really sets it apart from so many other adventure movies...

Something that few other movies have....

Anyway, back on point...:)

So, Christianity v. Jedi Path (Jediism)....

I used to say we (Jedi, or similar minded people) would, once eternal consciousness took hold on everyone, would, and will be the next stage in the evolution of "religion", of "belief"...

And, we still may be...

What I see as our biggest obstacle, is people enjoy the "personal" aspect of "their" God....

We love putting names to stuff... Everything has nicknames,  everything gets personal....

But, is the force personal?

For some it probably is, they call it God, or Allah, or something..  They give it a name...

But for most of us? I think not... Does it need a name, such as God, or Allah? No, I don't think it does..

Anymore than our automobiles deserve a name...

I don't know, really.. lol...

In the end, we each must do what we feel is right...

If this writing does nothing else, I hope you think about it...:)

Even if you think im wrong! Lol.. ;)

May the Force be with You...