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Below is an audio version, performed by myself, to accompany reading through this week's sermon:


This is a sermon to remind us about the little things in our world. The things that go largely unnoticed except by maybe just one or two people… the things that you aren’t thanked for doing…

The converse is grand gestures, the things that get all the media attention and attraction, the things everyone knows about. This can be extended however, not only to the grand and the well-known but indeed to the type of action. What action is worthy of a Jedi?

Is there one way to help the world that is the best and only way that should be pursued?

I don’t think so…

Grand gestures are good don’t get me wrong. They can do wonders for raising awareness about an issue. But life should not be one long series of grand gesture if that person is ignoring the little things…

Indeed it is easy to get caught up in doing some kind of grand gesture and forgetting about them, perhaps even confusing your priorities of what is important… It is easy to get carried away with doing something when you involve yourself with it. It is much better to spend time taking a step back and having a look from an outside perspective…

Think about how much difference you could make to someone’s day by being polite? Think about how you can prevent someone getting into a bad mood by simply holding the door open? Helping someone stranded by the side of the road with no mobile phone? Offering someone your jacket in the cold when you have several layers on and they do not?  Helping to dig someone’s stranded car out of the snow? Taking the time to be there and listen to someone desperately in need of a friendly chat or to get some troubles off of their chest?

Those are not grand gestures. They will not go down in the history books and will not be counted among the great achievements of man… or maybe they will be a great achievement… altruism is most certainly a great achievement of mankind!

A Jedi does not need to be a great warrior or the wisest philosopher to make a difference, in a positive way, to someone’s life. A Jedi should do what they can to help. That is what matters. Can you spare the time to do a grand gesture?  Go on a marathon run for charity and raising awareness? Great! But don’t forget about the day-to-day things…

Don’t forget about the little things…

Every action matters…