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May the Force be with you wherever this finds you. What a time to be Jedi. What a time to be alive, period. I will not and cannot promise the end of the day. Nope. I cannot promise that tomorrow will come. NO. Sadly, in my own home I cannot promise that it will always be ok. Life is full and there may come a day when things happen, or life happens, or the wrong dog gets in the wrong yard. As humans, it is easy to think about ALL the possibilities and there is a level of preparation that is wise and healthy.  For me, it is way easy to get a bit distracted in life with life. There are times my mind wonders about tomorrow and stuff and things. There is a natural flow to to wonder and thought. What happens when that's all you think on? I want to give you a GIFT today friends and JEDI.


I give you TODAY.

I understand that thought and preparation can play parts in things. There is a level of today you can grasp. We as Jedi and those who reflect have a very usual way of looking and seeking and I say never say stop. Please do not stop seeking. Today needs you too. Tomorow will need you too. Think about today and what can be done. Tragedy befell the family. We lost most of our chickens to a neighbor's dog. The day found us early and with not good news and in mid scene. The end of the day found ME and the dog's owner in my arms with tears and everything. FORGIVENESS came as quickly as it could. I and the family helped search for the dog. We are only given today and the ability to meditate and think made yesterday very emotional. It also made this morning better, not my situation but by actions. Now, I am not able to voice the concern on our lively hood. Knowing we, are by, choice Jedi, we decided as a family to act kindly and be mindful. So, what about today? I give you today. It is up to us how we react; it really is. Always friends and Jedi, always. I cannot tell you tragedy will never befall you. That ain't me. What I can encourage you to do is keep seeking. Keep going and remember what and who you are and how you wanna act. Today is filled with the future and we can get lost in tomorrow. Today can make tomorrow so make today a good one. Find what it is that is present today and treat it like a present. Make a list if you gotta but I want to encourage every Jedi to make today - today. Think about today a bit more and be a bit more present. It does help ...others and yourself. 

Today is today. I give you today. Make it a good one.