Meditation styles and tips

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01 Dec 2017 16:06 - 01 Dec 2017 16:11 #307362 by
I got 3 years of meditation knowledge to share.
I started meditating with Wicca forms and practice and now I'm working and profecting Jedi meditation forms.
By forms I mean how I do the meditation like how I breath how I sit or lay or stand or where I might do that meditation or what I might burn during it or the time of day I do that form of meditation, all that stuff leads towards a different meditation experience also how long you meditate will effect what happens during that meditation.
Last edit: 01 Dec 2017 16:11 by .

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01 Dec 2017 16:56 #307364 by
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Lesson 1: positions
One main thing that's come's to meditation is do I stand or sit or lay down, well what ever your position is while you're meditating will effect what happens during it like if you're stand meditating then your not going to meditate for a long time, stand meditation is a good way to clear the mind of all thoughts quickly.

Sit meditation is a good way to meditate for a long period of time weather your on you're knees or criss cross, now hand positions while meditating will change how your feeling the force around you, if you make both your hand into fist and put your knuckles from both hands together I will make a force barrier around you that will keep all negative forces from entering your area so you have a more clear mind meditation, if your put your hands on your knees with the palm up your letting the force flow into you and it's a good way to see force spirits if you put your hands palm down on your knees it's not letting the force flow into you, if your hands on the ground beside you with our palms up the force will share its knowledge with you it a good way to have force visions.

Lay meditation is a good way to meditate into your dreams, all you have to do is be comfortable and focus on your breathing and let the force give you dreams.

Hope you find lession one useful

-May The Force Be With You Always-

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01 Dec 2017 20:20 #307378 by
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Lesson 2 breathing
Now when it comes to meditation breathing is a very important tool.
When you meditate you always start by focusing on your breathing only think about your breathing, breath i.. Breath out.. Breath in.. You get the point. Its very importent to breath right it will help the force flow in and out of you during you're meditation.

Hope lesson two helped you out I know it was short but its a need to know.

-May the force be with you always-

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04 Dec 2017 13:52 #307503 by
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Lesson 3 Area
Now this is important cause where you are during a meditation will effect how the force interacts with you during it.
Now let's say you decided to meditate in a forest, the force might show you the history of the tree or rock beside you or it might show you the force spirits that walk through the forest.
Now let's say you meditate at a park, the force might show you how that park was built or the people that walked through it.
Now let's say your meditating at home, you're sacred area so it might give you force visions and let you see force spirits or the history of the building.
It matters on where you are on what going to might happen during the meditation.

Hope you liked lesson three.

-May The Force Be With You Always-

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04 Dec 2017 15:19 #307512 by
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Lesson 4 Burning
Okay before we start I mean burning items not people.
Now when I meditate I like burning herbs and incenses, burning things will effect big time on you're meditation like how fast you fall into that meditation or how to force interacts with you during it.
If you want a natural feel while meditating try burning sandalwood or musk, or sage for a strong feel to the force or dragon blood for a way to get rid of negative forces.
Burning things like these gives you a giant different feel while meditating.
Try burning a candle while meditating it the fire from the candles will interact with you through the force.

Hope you liked this lesson.

-May The Force Be With You Always-

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04 Dec 2017 16:02 #307516 by
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Lesson 5 Stones
Now this is cool.
When meditating it help to have stones on you some times since the force flows through each kind of stone differently.
Like if ya have tiger eye it will get negative energy away while meditating or if ya have a moonstone it will throw you into a meditation mind of state faster and better, stone are very cool to have and they help you during meditations.

Hope ya liked lession five.

-May The Force Be With You Always-

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04 Dec 2017 16:18 #307519 by
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Lesson 6 Time
If ya meditate in the morning you will give you're self a clear mind for the day and it's just a good feeling.
If ya mediate at night the force will record your day full of knowledge and store it and help ya go to sleep.
Meditating at different times of the day can give ya a different experience like in the your awake and it helps to get a clear mind and at night your sleepy so it helps you get some rest, so try meditating twice a day once when you wake up and once before you go to bed it will really help you out.

Hope lesson five help ya out.

-May The Force Be With You Always-

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08 Dec 2017 15:51 #307877 by
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Christmas EVE Meditation
I've done this meditation once before and it work very well.

First you need to get red and green candles does not matter what type (if they are scented with pine it works better) and form them in a circle around where you will be sitting.

Now put a pillow that you can sit on in the middle of the circle of candles (makes it easier to meditate for long periods of time) if ya don't want a pillow then don't use one.

Now sit on knees and put your arms so that they go along with your legs with your palm of your hands facing upwards.

Now focus on your breathing (breath in..breath out..breath in..breath out..etc).

Now feel the force around you and feel it flowing all through out your house.

This meditation should last for 30 minutes or more.

When you do this meditation the time should be from 8-11 pm and have the candles lit.

Hope this one works for you guys.
This meditation should help to force bring you all the luck and joy ness on Christmas.

-May the Force Be With Us All Always-

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23 Feb 2018 19:52 #316420 by
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grounding one self

Today we are talking about re equallizing the Force with in you both positive and negative aspects of the force must be re equaled to balance one self.

Sit down somewhere comfy
Put your hand on the ground beside you palm down
Close your eyes and focus seeing energy flowing between your hand and the ground
Now: see red energy leave your body then watch green energy enter your body
Next: watch the green energy flow through your whole body and watch the red leave

Do this for about 10-20 mins.

When your down thank the Force for helping balancing you out.

Now your done and I hope it helped you out.

May The Force Flow Through Us All Well

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