[LIVE!] IP Study Hall: Sat 8/11/2018 8pm EST

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10 Aug 2018 23:06 #325034 by
I'll do my best to squeeze it in between other study and work, but I'll drop by and say "Hi" at least.

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11 Aug 2018 04:56 #325040 by
Nice! Looking forwrd to catching up and hearing how things are in your part of the world!

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11 Aug 2018 11:48 #325041 by Kohadre
I've added it to my calendar and set up the discord app on my phone. I'm looking forward to it.

So long and thanks for all the fish
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12 Aug 2018 15:27 - 12 Aug 2018 15:28 #325063 by FTPC
Last Night was Less about the IP and more about how to do to Journal, and on the voice chat People had to scream to be heard, and One guy was even washing Dishes before the study hall meeting Discord voice chat Etiquette
there is a mute button for a reason that is how I heard everything and I feel bad for Twigga, be her mic was messed up and when other People talk, People like me had a tough time hearing over Background Noise from the other members..

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Last edit: 12 Aug 2018 15:28 by FTPC.

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12 Aug 2018 15:35 #325066 by
Seems more like an unpreparedness issue than etiquette. Perhaps people should get into more chats via discord so to mess about with their settings and seeing what works best for them.

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12 Aug 2018 15:43 #325069 by FTPC
Ture Arisaig

and hell if we can't hear you in voice chat there is always typing

or here is another one person talks the other mute their mics so what that person says does NOT get lost while other people are talking

Joined Monday 14 January 2015 16:03 guest -
Friday, 24, January 2015, 16:03 pm member
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Thursday, July/ 17//2020 time 19:42 pm - Initiate rank-
Monday 20 Jul 2020 19:43 pm Apprintace- to Wescli Wardest

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12 Aug 2018 17:10 #325071 by
I'm sorry people felt etiquette was not maintained in the chat. As host I see it as is my responsibility to explain how the Discord chatroom works, and how people are able to be polite to one another. We always have new users and new members in these chats, so it is important things are explained clearly. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, and I'll make a point of doing so next time, at the start of the session, and by linking to a how-to guide.

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12 Aug 2018 17:13 #325072 by
i am really very sorry but what seems to be your constant disapproval of people and events that happen around here or on discord.People had lots to say and had lots of conversations about many things interchangeably. I for one enjoyed getting to know people who i had not really met. I thought it was fun and brought up many good ideas.

once again I am sorry about the constant disappointment you must be forced to deal with from us, how exhausting it must be. I do hope others in the chat got something out of it and I will male a better effort to show up at more of them.

hope you are well.

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12 Aug 2018 17:31 #325075 by
Yay! I'm really looking forward to seeing you there in future Firewolf!

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13 Aug 2018 20:11 #325132 by
A lovely two hours were spent among friends - lots of knights present, in fact the ratio of IP Students to those who had completed IP was pretty much 50/50! This is EXCELLENT news in my book, as I feel there is so much we can all learn from one another - all those different perspectives - regardless of rank, just by being human and coming together. We focussed mostly on the nuts and bolts of getting IP written - what help is available, and shared news from across the temple. “We are only as strong as our membership” and it’s great that we have spaces to share perspectives.

IP Sponsors - what do they do, and who are they?

An IP sponsor is someone who has completed the IP, and is willing to read your journal as you write it. As they read your journal, they are checking to see that you have properly understood the task and that your entry has covered the task which was set sufficiently. They will also be checking for plagiarism. They can also become good friends, and make a first port of call for questions about taking those first steps in temple life.

The current thread for IP Sponsors is a little messy, as some people are included who are not eligible to be IP sponsors - it’s not just a pure managed list, like the “the teachers, who are they?” Thread, or the Clergy thread. I will be asking that this be clarified in a message to Firewolf, who is meeting with MadHatter tomorrow. Hopefully feedback with be provided in this thread.

Language support

It would be great to have a list of current knights and apprentices willing to read and offer IP support in languages other than English. This could be a managed locked thread, to ensure no confusion, as with the IP Sponsor thread. Even if a person would be ineligible for further study in their mother tongue, a chance to write IP in that language could be an invaluable personal experience for that person, and their competence in the English Language will grow as exposure to the language through the temple and its activities also continues; once IP is completed, options for further study may have opened up.

Advice on the IP in general

There’s been a really great thread created in the IP Study Hall forum, please check it out: CLICKY I look forward to seeing how this thread develops.

The 1hr cut off time for edits may seem frustrating, however there needs to be a cut-off at some point, or IP could continue unendingly! It is also possible to see more clearly how people’s thinking patterns and thought processes work over time if the IP is not editable. It’s absolutely fine, and encouraged, to change your mind though - just make another post, and don’t forget to put a title on it to show what it refers to.

Time management is often an issue for students. We were reminded that it can take time to find time - to adjust our schedule to put time in for studies - but remember it’s self paced, and doesn’t need to be finished in a fortnight! Break lessons into chunks.

Really important this point: BACK UP YOUR STUFF.

Dead in the water?

Change things up, and move on to a different section of IP that interests you. Nakis shared this spreadsheet, so you can keep a track if you’re taking this route: CLICKY

Purpose of IP

The purpose of IP is probably as many and varied as there are persons taking IP. It has been requested that a short summary, 50 words might be enough, of what the expected outcome is from each lesson be provided to support IP Sponsors in their role. This has been passed on to MadHatter via Firewolf. You get out of IP what you put in, and getting to see what works for you is part of the adventure. It can create a baseline as a point of reference for the future too.

Volunteering through TotJO and in your communities

One of the best ways Novices can volunteer through the temple is by reading one another's journals and starting conversation threads on any interesting ideas which arise. Stimulating discussion helps everyone. Interacting with others is fun, and can help formulate friendships that can help in temple life.

Another way to get involved is to volunteer in your own local communities. This doesn't need to be done overtly as a Jedi, you can just find something you want to help with that’s meaningful to you, and to others. You can join other organisations too, to offer your time. To share your work within the temple, you can submit an outreach form .

What happens after IP?

A really useful thread has already been created on this topic: “After IP”
TL;DR: After IP, the journal is turned in either by mailing Adhara or MadHatter. 2 knights will read and ask questions/provide comments for feedback. Some (or all!) lessons may need review, but this should be a simple case of following the instructions given.

Get well soon Mad Hatter

Was wished by all members present. Firewolf mentioned that he would take our wishes to him at their meeting on Tuesday, and also any questions or issues we would like to raise with our IP Team *lead*.

For those who were present, and those whose toes I have trodden on
Once again thank you so much for sharing your time together. If you feel I have misreported anything then do feel free to add your thoughts to this thread and correct my writings where they’re wrong. We’ll have to live with my interpretation of events if you don’t speak up! Please PM me if you have issues with me personally to keep this thread free for productive discussions. You have my thanks.

So when’s the next one? I want in!
The next IP Study Hall chat will be on Saturday 15th September 2018 8pm EST, force willing. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all even better there. Please remember to invite new members to join these chats when you welcome them to the temple! In the meantime, keep your creativity high; your curiosity sharp; and let your love of learning show. My mailbox is open, and I’ll be gathering ideas for discussion at the next session until then.

Thanks, as always, go to Nakis for the concept, Steam for the space, and Council for their general thumbs up approval of the activity. Particular thanks on this occasion to Firewolf for heading up communications between this gathering and MadHatter - it’s great that everyone can be kept informed.

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