A Dangerous Antibiotic-Resistant Gene Has Spread The World. We Now Know Where It

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06 Apr 2018 04:13 #320100 by

Akkarin wrote: ... many of the health concerns with animal manufacture are due to the squalid conditions they live in which foster bacterial infection hence the need for antibiotics, conditions which aren't present in organic farming models.

Indeed, that is what I touched upon, there, when I said, "... animals that most eat endure the atrocious living conditions that require them to get routine antibiotics." When it comes to organic vegetables, it is more dangerous since pesticides are still used (the organic kind) and at higher amounts. The pesticides in conventional farming are much safer. The term, "organic," is much more a marketing tactic to get you to buy one item over one that doesn't use it. Same goes for "non-GMO."

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07 Apr 2018 00:37 #320121 by Eleven
All I can say is I've been eating organic beef, grass fed butter and beef and I've never felt better. Anyone who's seen food Inc. Or any doc. On our food industry would know the animals in our country are treated horrible and live in horrible conditions. It made me almost go vegan at one point. But, if someone has a super germ chances are they aren't gonna tell you or even know some of them. In US, our food has so much gmos, chemicals, antibiotics in them who knows if you could consider it "food" anymore.

Our bodies consume the antibiotics from stuff like meat and when we get sick really bad our bodies don't react to the prescription pills the doctors prescribe and it gets worst even to the extreme of death. Say what you want, but I've done a lot of research on this...espically the fda and their sponsors.


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07 Apr 2018 05:17 #320127 by
Say what I want? Mkay. Just because you don't understand the science behind something, it doesn't mean that it's dangerous or bad for your health. I side with the scientific majority, here. The ones who actually know what they're talking about. If chemicals are so bad, stop breathing and drinking anything because it's all chemical. GMO foods are food. I understand the phobia of not wanting to take in antibiotics unnecessarily. Antibiotics are not good for our microbiomes. That's why prescription antibiotics are only given for a course of a certain amount of days. They destroy good gut bacteria along with the bad and leave room for the ones not killed off to flourish and make us sick. But, the antibiotics in the meat people eat are at safe enough levels to not be so dangerous. Eating meat is a choice, I'll give you that. Eating anything is a choice. Moral or not, if you care about your survival, you will eat. Otherwise, just starve yourself.

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07 Apr 2018 19:20 #320148 by Eleven
That was a out right immature response Luthien. I don't know what I am talking about? Ok, if you wanna look at science go look up some of these chemicals that are in your food seriously. Who, ever said I don't eat meat? I do. Now, your making a case against vegans? Lol... look at the toxicology, in most red meats, the carcinogens which is in cigarettes. Eating is a choice? Yes sir it is indeed. I am overweight, I am making positive changes in my personal life that works. I wasn't attacking those who do eat gmos, or processed foods. But, I find it was that people know of these things and still don't do anything about it. You gotta take care of your temple.


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07 Apr 2018 20:51 #320151 by Carlos.Martinez3
I once knew a man who chose notNOT to take medications and see doctors , you know what he died of? As he said he ran out of Time. Diets and the word diet often are synonymous with trends unfortunately. Some have stances and beliefs and some have diftent - practices and faiths - they don’t just revolve solely around religion. Can we as modern day Jedi live in a world where other people’s views are as valid as ours and deserve the same value and freedom as our own? Not just in religion... but in all things ... can we believe in the inherit worth of all or step on their sandcastles if they don’t look and are like ours? Hmmm
I myself don’t take the flu shot anymore after I got back from my last tour of war. Do I get sick - off and on. Do I eat meat - mmmmm on the grill or bbq pit I eat rich lobster and everything I like - in balance. I encourage all to ha e a balance in as much in their life’s as possible - here too. My pops ( not my biological) drinks windex when he’s sick. Works for him. I don’t. Some people soak in mud- goat poop- cow poop- buffalo poop- hot water cold water - this world is full of remedies and practices I don’t try myself. I may some day! Not sure about the pooo but I may have a leach or two some day on me .

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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08 Apr 2018 00:04 #320156 by Eleven
:) @Carlos, I always appreciate you input on subjects. Very well said and your right.

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08 Apr 2018 01:49 #320163 by Rex
There was a news article about a 100+ year-old lady who says she's lived as long because she drinks Dr. Pepper. That's obviously not true, so take a liberal dash of salt with people who say that scientific consensus is either wrong or that it says something incredibly vague yet conveniently ideological.
Science isn't syncretic: there are things that are right and wrong. Scientific consensus is built off of tests surrounding specific conditions, creating a larger picture using inductive reasoning. Do a little research of your own from academic sources both from journals that agree with you and dissenting views. Try to understand the mechanisms of it before saying "eating grass fed meat will prevent all diseases" - sure it's probably healthier for you, but that doesn't make it disease resistant. Shutting yourself into an ideological echo chamber is suicide for your mind.
Luthien might've been a bit harsh, but makes valid points

Knights Secretary's Secretary
Apprentices: Vandrar
TM: Carlos Martinez
"A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes" - Wittgenstein
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08 Apr 2018 02:19 #320164 by Carlos.Martinez3
Do you think

With science

There are things proven
And there are things yet to be proven ? Rather than using common words like
Right and wrong?

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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09 Apr 2018 02:59 #320210 by Rex
The future is unknown, so I live and act based on the present.
This thread is in the science forum, so there are rules to play by. I wouldn't go into the abrahamic forum and talk Buddhism. I stand by what I said, because scientific tests have an outcome. Even a flawed experiment exhibits certain truths because the physical world acts in a given way i.e. incorrect inputs will lead to flawed outputs.
According to the body of scientific work I have encountered, I believe something. If you wish to speak in a scientific context, anecdotal evidence isn't worth much. I play by the rules, and am willing to be challenged by others on that level field

Knights Secretary's Secretary
Apprentices: Vandrar
TM: Carlos Martinez
"A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes" - Wittgenstein
The following user(s) said Thank You: , Carlos.Martinez3

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09 Apr 2018 05:32 - 09 Apr 2018 05:32 #320213 by Adder

Luthien wrote: When it comes to organic vegetables, it is more dangerous since pesticides are still used (the organic kind) and at higher amounts. The pesticides in conventional farming are much safer.

More dangerous!! Got links?? Curious minds are curious....

Introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist.
Likes integration, visualization, elucidation and transformation.
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TM: Grand Master Mark Anjuu
Last edit: 09 Apr 2018 05:32 by Adder.

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