Aqua`s Art Gallery

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03 Jun 2016 23:03 #243351 by
Replied by on topic Aqua`s Art Gallery
Choose the molten coin:

T he way of choice, maker of the coins
throw it up, your iron face
smash that iron and deliver your blow
show your work now make it glow
right and wrong, tinkling iron coins

burning steel
warm and glowing red
please cool down, now be fed
you are fire, maker of choice
coins melt for you
Aqua, 04-06-2016

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04 Jun 2016 15:52 - 04 Jun 2016 15:56 #243382 by
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Book of the ghost walker:

T his is my void, my eternal speaking mind
when I listen, I remain silent
I am not there in the maze
I am not going to the finish
I am gone, walking to you

a place
of 38 pages long
I cannot see, I cannot hear
I cannot speak, the ghost walks
the journey beyond myself
Aqua, 04-06-2016
Last edit: 04 Jun 2016 15:56 by .

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05 Jun 2016 09:15 #243443 by
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The desert day:

T his is a test, for your own personality
image the cube, image the ladder
see the little flowers across the desert
see a horse standing in the sand
image and mind, feel the warmth

sand test..
were are my pyramids..
one happy desert, one massive storm
a shared storm, walking trough dessert
we are all connected
Aqua, 6-06-2016

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05 Jun 2016 18:17 #243486 by
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This one is from a while back.. :blush:

Eggs in the sunset:

W e try to find ourselves, so we separate and we merge
creating a layer between what we are, what we want to be
and what we think we are, this is it, our surrounding shell

like hatching eggs, in the sunset, we could to wait till dawn
at given moment, when the first light comes to meet the day
unknown will step back behind the shadow of the world
rays of light will shape the day, and the night
duality will continue till all are merged in one cycle

there is no choice without an edge, no egg without a shell
like a fly meets the rusty lighted lamp
we can choose to switch off the light
and to save the fly in ourselves

instead it keeps flying, like a bat in the dark
and so we do, moving our choice around
through the edges of our imagination

we motivate ourselves, and find inspiration
we sacrifice and create room for change
we tell that what we find most difficult
and we all experience it undoubtedly
let the force be with your shell
our only edgeless edge
shining with you
Aqua, 23-04-2016

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05 Jun 2016 23:50 #243532 by
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My silent sight:

A room full chairs, people sitting and standing
please look outside, please look away
this is a room for waiting people
please take your phone in your hand
I am silent, just like you

scary times
deep inside the train
expected to be, scared for eyes
expected to say, I move away
when room is available
Aqua, 06-06-2016

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06 Jun 2016 13:10 #243565 by
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Carrier pigeon:

M y words on paper, and my envelope sealed
two stamps added, my carrier pigeon
you of all know what I seek
you are my book without the pages
my diary without, the outside lock

winged key
my brave unknown bird
touch-down over there, in my window
let me know, how to fly
under the evening glow
Aqua, 06-06-2016

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06 Jun 2016 22:34 - 06 Jun 2016 22:43 #243678 by
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Shared tide:

L ook at the ocean, single hippocampus facing dexter
feel the waves, embrace the tides
big large rocks across my last horizon
feel the moment and remember her song
water and rocks, reflecting the light

shared wave
full of ocean beauty
powered by moon, seeking for reflection
when you know, time is equal
it will be reminded
Aqua, 07-06-2016
Last edit: 06 Jun 2016 22:43 by .

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07 Jun 2016 07:45 - 07 Jun 2016 07:46 #243735 by
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The swim:

S tand stil and look, what did I do?
dry out slowly, what am I?
I should move back and ask myself
what is it I feel so wrong
I am not, to blame myself

second attempt
swim up the stream
way to say, you cannot fail
you cannot die, an unquestioned attitude
to remind the soul
Aqua, 07-06-2016
Last edit: 07 Jun 2016 07:46 by .

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07 Jun 2016 23:59 - 08 Jun 2016 00:01 #243883 by
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The two sided mirror:

T he search for equilibrium, a two sided road
where I go, it will follow
see you skin to feel your pressure
feel my heartbeat and read my words
where it goes, it will follow

spoon fed
a two sided road
is it visible, to be invisible
a lost world, made with hunger
to hunt your dreams
Aqua, 08-06-2016
Last edit: 08 Jun 2016 00:01 by .

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08 Jun 2016 17:54 - 08 Jun 2016 17:55 #244015 by
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The taboo of you-know-what-I-mean:

S leepy eyes slowly opening, recovering from the night
that scary night, with endless clocks
it takes my dreams from me away
look beneath the bed slowly and steady
seek the monster, seek the subject

taboo noticed
we will be pray
remove the bed, buy a spotlight
open your eyes, no sleep required
try to challenge yourself
Aqua, 08-06-2016
Last edit: 08 Jun 2016 17:55 by .

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