The Evangelical Problem

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23 Feb 2012 07:39 #51347 by
The Evangelical Problem was created by
At the risk of being offensive, I have to acknowledge the problem evangelicals pose to US society. They've hijacked the Republican party, and made it seem like our key issues are abortion and homosexuality. They are loud and try to legislate their morality upon everyone else. Every Republican politician and candidate feels that it is a necessity to pander to them.

I'm sick of them yelling about their conspiracy theories and creationism. The fact that they want to teach young earth creationism in public schools is not only a sign of their stupidity, but also of the fact that they don't respect the constitution. Any other Christians here feel the need to stand up to them?

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23 Feb 2012 07:43 #51348 by
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I agree with you, we need to stand up against them. A times I believe that there trying to preach religion and forgetting the purpose for which we have elected them.

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23 Feb 2012 07:45 #51349 by
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Not the politicians, the evangelicals themselves. In any other country, Falwell would have been in an asylum or on a rope.

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23 Feb 2012 07:52 #51350 by
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oh i agree with you completely

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23 Feb 2012 08:21 #51354 by ren
Replied by ren on topic Re: The Evangelical Problem
They are a threat, but it isn't american society I have concerns for. These guys know they can't convert the local physicist, plus the local physicit isn't numerous and doesn't procreate much. Plus research doesn't pay.

The chinese arent having it and indians are either muslim or hindu already.

Now the poor african guy has a lot of resources, no education and goes at it like a rabbit. He can be purchased with surplus subsidised bread(and make him become dependant on it). Plus, when they mix christianity with the traditional religious beliefs, you get witch hunts, burnings at the stake and everything. the evangelist wet dream.

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.

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23 Feb 2012 08:36 #51356 by
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fanatism and fanatics always been dangerous, for themself as for others, whatever the God they pray. They have the identical problem in Islamist countries. I don't know if Christian fanatism is an answer to Islam fanatism?

Peoples tend to be fanatic in desperate create a "comfort zone". What causing USA's "desperate" situation? Other religions, economy, crisis in the world, inner problems etc.?

p.s.The lack of alternative political options in USA is probably an other part of the problem (republicans vs democrats). In Quebec province (in Canada) only we have the Neo democrat party, Conservators, Liberals, Green party, Quebecer's block (separatist), Union of Quebecers (also separatist), + many other lill parties. More options peoples have, less fanatism is encounter.

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23 Feb 2012 08:40 #51358 by Adder
Replied by Adder on topic Re: The Evangelical Problem
What is meant by 'stand up to them.', perhaps you mean 'stand up too.' in a democracy I guess there is the chance of lots of different parties. Just because something is popular, which you disagree with, doesnt mean they are doing anything wrong by having that particular opinion. Remember Yoda's F 2 the A 2 the H 2 the S. It sounds like there is fear of their influence, and it angers enough to take action which is when hate and suffering arise. People can be quick to jump to emotional actions and reactions and I hope Jediism is about perhaps our Focus is to deliver Knowledge to achieve broader Wisdom. If this is what you mean by stand up to them then I agree too.

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23 Feb 2012 08:42 - 23 Feb 2012 08:44 #51359 by Ben
Replied by Ben on topic Re: The Evangelical Problem
Evangelists in the UK can be pretty alarming too, and the image of Christianity and religion that they sometimes project to the outside world can be frustrating. But they're more of a trivial annoyance than a major threat to society.

And I agree with Adder, just because we personally disagree with them it doesn't mean that they are automatically in the wrong.

B.Div | OCP
Last edit: 23 Feb 2012 08:44 by Ben.

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23 Feb 2012 09:09 #51360 by
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V-Tog wrote: Evangelists in the UK can be pretty alarming too, and the image of Christianity and religion that they sometimes project to the outside world can be frustrating. But they're more of a trivial annoyance than a major threat to society.

And I agree with Adder, just because we personally disagree with them it doesn't mean that they are automatically in the wrong.

Evangelists in particular is not what I am worried about, but, rather, evangelical Christianity. I know it's got a small but loyal following in the UK but they are a major problem here in the USA. Like I said, they hijack the "conservative" side of politics, try to make legislation against teaching evolution in schools, try to make homosexuality punishable by death, try to suppress the voice of minority religions, all of it.

It's not just the US. What about Ken Ham in Australia? Evangelicals make Ian Paisley look like a hippie.

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23 Feb 2012 09:31 #51361 by Ben
Replied by Ben on topic Re: The Evangelical Problem
As we've discussed before, I know it tends to be 'worse' in the USA and so my commenting on matters where you are is based more in the realms of guesswork and speculation. But surely there are plenty of evangelists who, although we might disagree with their views, are doing no harm to anyone? We should always be careful not to tarr everyone with the same brush. There definitely are a very small amount of people in the world who have those views that you have just listed and would make them law if they could. But there is surely no way whatsoever that homosexuality could ever be made punishable by death in America, for example. It's possible that you may see some of their beliefs being voiced in politics more often if certain people/parties were to get into power. But I can't see that the whole of America will suddenly become an evangelical Christian dictatorship sort of thing.

Whatever will happen in politics will happen. I don't know to what extent the Republicans are 'evangelical'. But if they win the next election, it will be because they are the most popular party - this is how democracy works. Therefore should they get into power, people have voted for their views, as such, and people who don't want them just have to accept that popular vote is, at the moment, the only fair way of running a country.

B.Div | OCP

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