This Should Be Christian Not Abrahamic (Yes / No)

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06 Jul 2011 07:25 #40246 by Br. John
Qui-Ran Demera, do you currently practice the Jewish faith? Did you give it up for either Jediism or Jedi Realism or do you hold both? Or would you explain it some other way?

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  • Neaj Pa Bol
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06 Jul 2011 07:59 #40247 by Neaj Pa Bol
Maybe it would be wise to keep Abrahamic and bring forth a section for each, (i.e.: Christian studies, Judaic Studies...) and such...

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06 Jul 2011 08:13 - 06 Jul 2011 08:14 #40248 by

Neaj Pa Bol wrote: Maybe it would be wise to keep Abrahamic and bring forth a section for each, (i.e.: Christian studies, Judaic Studies...) and such...

Like subforums? That could work, and that way there would be sections for each religion (though they may be awfully quiet, I've seen how slow subforums can get in favor of the main).

That way we won't go to the ridiculous ends of having a Christian Rite, a Jewish Rite, a Muslim Rite, etc. etc. etc., and breaking up the nice neat little organization system we've developed.
Last edit: 06 Jul 2011 08:14 by .

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06 Jul 2011 08:38 - 06 Jul 2011 08:39 #40250 by

Br. John wrote: Qui-Ran Demera, do you currently practice the Jewish faith? Did you give it up for either Jediism or Jedi Realism or do you hold both? Or would you explain it some other way?

Since Judaism is not only a religion but also a culture I can say I live both, the Jedi way an the jewish way (btw.: the difference between Jew and Jedi is only 2 letters :lol: ^^)

What I am trying to say is, I am living my culture but I do not believe in a personified god but in a universal force which we are part of. There is no punishment or credit for what we do here, there is "only" consequence. What we do we get back... veeeery short version of my Jedi faith, I know, hihi, but it is actually the essence of it :)

Neaj Pa Bol wrote: Maybe it would be wise to keep Abrahamic and bring forth a section for each, (i.e.: Christian studies, Judaic Studies...) and such...

Yes that is just like in real life :) but on the other hand I ask myself: Did it reeeally bother anyone the way it is now? Tseen is right about one thing: Actually I should have been bothered by a section called abrahamic without any jewish or islamic content... since I am not, why do the christian ones bother? :D

@ Xiam

Just signed :)

@ Mark

I see, but just to bring up another interesting topic (I love it here, so many nice people to have good discussions with :) ) doesn't it contradict in itself, when the Jedi belief talks about an universal force and for example Judaism talks about an omnipotent and omniscient god?

I do know that that is just the force with a different cloak, but what do people think about this who really stick to their beliefs? That is an exciting question I'd say :)

Good night for now,


Qui-Ran :)
Last edit: 06 Jul 2011 08:39 by .

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06 Jul 2011 11:37 #40261 by Br. John
I remembered that "Judaism is not only a religion but also a culture" after I'd left the computer. Thank you for pointing that out for anyone who does not know.

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06 Jul 2011 15:12 #40265 by
I agree with GM Neaj Pa Bol's suggestion of creating subforums - we can instantly transfer the contents of the Abrahamic section into a Christianity subforum and if there are no contributions to any of the other Abrahamic faiths, then those subforums do not get created. We are then labelling the Christian lessons appropriately while still being opento the expansion of the wider Abrahamic topics.

Qui-Ran, perhaps you have insights into Judaism that could be shared as discussion points in a relevant subforum? It would certainly increase the scope and understanding in the Abrahamic section.

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06 Jul 2011 17:27 #40269 by
I personally like the idea of subforums. Makes both sides happy - we don't cause misinformation as well as we keep it open for different groups. And then the content might be transfered to the proper subforums, leaving here only general topics.

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06 Jul 2011 17:55 #40271 by Damion_Storm
With so many different religious sects out there to narrow the view and branch down into a sub-forum for each new sect that joins we can run the risk of having many many sub-forums. The way it is, and I understand Br Johns concern, it makes it simple and combined. I personally like the way it is currently but I can adapt to the needs of the church. Also just as a point of interest ... if the Abrahamic forum is 100% Christian is it not still also 100% Abrahamic? :P

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06 Jul 2011 18:08 #40272 by

Damion_Storm wrote: Also just as a point of interest ... if the Abrahamic forum is 100% Christian is it not still also 100% Abrahamic? :P

Hilarious! :D
And right to the point :)
I like the idea of sub forums but I also can live with the way it is now. If sub forums will come I will add stuff to the Jewish one. Also could add stuff here, though.

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07 Jul 2011 04:55 #40280 by

Damion_Storm wrote: if the Abrahamic forum is 100% Christian is it not still also 100% Abrahamic? :P

Reminds me of an old saying here in the UK: "all postboxes are red but not everything that's red is a postbox"

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