ToTJO Digital Art Repository

18 Feb 2014 03:39 #138714 by steamboat28

TOTJO exists on multiple social media platforms, as do its members. Anywhere you go online, there is a call for distinctive art: avatars, cover photos, signatures, etc.

This is a call for all the graphic designers lurkin' the forums to come here and help the Temple build a repository of TOTJO-specific digital art for its members to use in their social media exploits.

Do the thing.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jestor, Wescli Wardest

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18 Feb 2014 04:19 #138715 by
Replied by on topic ToTJO Digital Art Repository
I'd love to help with anything, just ask. May take a while to find time ,but I will do it.

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18 Feb 2014 04:44 - 18 Feb 2014 06:10 #138716 by steamboat28
Listed below are the final image sizes for most of the social media sites on the web, and a few thrown in for good measure. And, here's a great infographic on the subject.

  • Profile Pic
    • Minimum: 180 x 180
  • Cover Photo
    • Minimum: 851 x 315
(Read more about how Facebook profile pictures and cover photos interact here )

  • Profile Photo
    • Minimum: 270 x 270
  • Cover Photo
    • Minimum: 480 x 270
    • Recommended: 1080 x 608
    • Maximum: 2120 x 1192

  • Profile Photo
    • Minimum: 81 x 81
  • Header Photo
    • Minimum: 520 x 260

  • Portrait Photo
    • Minimum: 128 x 128

  • Standard Profile Photo
    • Minimum: 100 x 60
  • Square Profile Photo
    • Minimum: 50 x 50
  • Cover Photo
    • Minimum: 646 x 220

  • Channel Art
    • Minimum: 2560 x 1440
    • Safe Area: 1546 x 423

  • Profile Photo
    • Minimum: 160 x 165

  • Profile Photo
    • Minimum: 110 x 110

  • 25 x 25
  • 48 x 48
  • 50 x 50
  • 60 x 60
  • 80 x 80
  • 100 x 100
  • 125 x 125
  • 128 x 128
  • 150 x 150
  • 200 x 200
  • 250 x 250
  • 500 x 500
TotJO Logos
TotJO Text
(this ridiculously long list put together with considerable amounts of help from babyblueyes247 . she did all the heavy lifting.)
Last edit: 18 Feb 2014 06:10 by steamboat28.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jestor, Wescli Wardest, Zenchi

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18 Feb 2014 09:30 #138725 by 666
Replied by 666 on topic ToTJO Digital Art Repository
you need to request permission to access the images.
maybe is better to use a public shared one, or dropbox,
anyway nice idea when available to anyone (is this a totjo account? )

i request permission , was given and end up with this
Sorry, we are unable to generate a view of the document at this time. Please try again later.

also a pain in the butt to request permission foe each single file....
it is a nice idea, just need to be easy to access

try something like this

Knight of Jediism
Ordained Deacon and Minister
Promoted and Ordained April 28, 2010

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18 Feb 2014 09:39 #138726 by 666
Replied by 666 on topic ToTJO Digital Art Repository
I've downloaded the svg, no way to open it yet, -when it said need to validate, almost all the time means, missing info in the file , corrupted file,

Knight of Jediism
Ordained Deacon and Minister
Promoted and Ordained April 28, 2010

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18 Feb 2014 11:53 #138735 by
Replied by on topic ToTJO Digital Art Repository

666 wrote: you need to request permission to access the images.
maybe is better to use a public shared one, or dropbox,
anyway nice idea when available to anyone (is this a totjo account? )

i request permission , was given and end up with this
Sorry, we are unable to generate a view of the document at this time. Please try again later.

Sorry about that, I had the drive share set up wrong, but it is fixed now. You shouldn't need to request permission to access. Not sure what is up with the .svg files though. Even when uploading it said unable to generate preview but you should still be able to download it (it worked for me).

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18 Feb 2014 12:18 - 18 Feb 2014 13:10 #138738 by steamboat28

666 wrote: maybe is better to use a public shared one, or dropbox,
anyway nice idea when available to anyone (is this a totjo account? )

Should be fixed now.

also a pain in the butt to request permission foe each single file....

Most people aren't going to need all the files. They'll either pick the one that works best for them, or is the most versatile, and if they need others along the way, will generate them from the filetype they downloaded.

If there are further questions, concerns, or comments about the filetypes or their manner of sharing, please PM me so we can keep this thread on topic.
Last edit: 18 Feb 2014 13:10 by steamboat28.

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18 Feb 2014 13:08 - 18 Feb 2014 13:09 #138740 by
Replied by on topic ToTJO Digital Art Repository
I much prefer google drive over drop box.‎
Last edit: 18 Feb 2014 13:09 by . Reason: spelling

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18 Feb 2014 14:14 #138753 by 666
Replied by 666 on topic ToTJO Digital Art Repository

steamboat28 wrote:

666 wrote: anyway nice idea when available to anyone (is this a totjo account? )

Should be fixed now.

If there are further questions, concerns, or comments about the filetypes or their manner of sharing, please PM me so we can keep this thread on topic.

I ask again, because, it is better to have this in Totjo hands, users can come and go. so I ask again, is this a TOTJO account, or just a personal one. thank you

other than that, the first SVG, you cannot preview it, you can download it, anyway it is corrupted, (but, can be my error, so lets see, if someone else can download it, and open it.

Permissions fixed, yes.

Knight of Jediism
Ordained Deacon and Minister
Promoted and Ordained April 28, 2010

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18 Feb 2014 14:23 - 18 Feb 2014 14:31 #138755 by 666
Replied by 666 on topic ToTJO Digital Art Repository
well, right now, yes, i have 2 o3 concerns, and because, ppl tend to be picky, here they are

1- why is in a private account ( anyway thank you, and it doesn't matter, hopefully is not for official use)
2- whats the point in the inverted logo? (witch is not right?, if is for the user freedom, are you going to upload it, in different shades and colors?, don't see the point to share something wrong.

3- and last and much important, please, when you share a file, important as the Totjo logo, do it right. if no, all the people using it, are using something wrong. I didn't check all the files, I know the first svg, is corrupted, but this, MUST NOT be shared.
please fix.
thank you.

Attachment ha8dd68a.png not found

Sorry again ---- also in the psd and AI, the logo doesn't have the White star, is just a cut over the black, witch is right to create it, but not, to share the logo.... (not the official one, because there is no star) , and this is intended to be shared with normal users, not with graphic designers..

thanks again, and sorry

Knight of Jediism
Ordained Deacon and Minister
Promoted and Ordained April 28, 2010
Last edit: 18 Feb 2014 14:31 by 666.

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