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Mitpen commented on this post about 11 months agoDEGREE JOURNAL:
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Recent Activities
Mitpen commented on this post about 3 days agoSchool is kicking my butt this term. I've completed the Fitness Tech Certification and Now I'm taking a Psychology course, and Math 105. Neither of these courses are difficult, but the homework is quite a lot.
I'm also locked out of all of my journals. :-(Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
Serenity Amyntas commented on this post about 1 week agoMy term is over!!!! Now I can just wait for final grades and enjoy the rest of December!
Life Updates:
Finished my ABCs of Human Sexuality book and submitted it!
Finished my final project in math and submitted it!
My Cousin died suddenly a few days ago so I'm very, very sad and a bit numb. I used finishing my assignments as a way to sort of kick the shock of his death until now. He was only 42 years old but he wasn't in good physical shape.
His funeral is soon but we won't be traveling. My cousins are going to live stream it for us and other family throughout the U.S that can't make the event in person.
So I'm ending this term with most likely another 4.0 GPA, and a bunch of really good memories. Genuinely loved learning about psychology of human sexuality, and, I got through my math 105 class.
I'm really proud of how well school is going, but this term is also bitter sweet because of the passing of my cousin.
Christmas in 12 days and I haven't done any shopping so that's also a stress but I can go out tomorrow or the next day and get it all done!
I will also try to finish my most recent apprentice assignment- even if I'm not(?) an apprentice any more?
Anyway, that's just whats been going on in my life and I thought while sad it was worth preserving.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
Serenity Amyntas commented on this post about 5 months agoGot a new job!!!! I'm going to be a stretchologist at the new Stretch Labs in Happy Valley Oregon!! Going through the training currently. it's A LOT along with my school work and apprentice assignments! Life is chaos but I'm 2 terms away from graduating college; so by the end of this year I'll finish college, I'll be 6month+ into a new job, and I'll have so much more time to put towards these studies.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
Serenity Amyntas reacted to this post about 5 months agoSummer term is started. I'm a bit behind as one of my textbook I had to order from Amazon hasn't arrived yet but hopefully by monday or tuesday it should arrive. In the meantime I'm getting a jump tomorrow on next weeks assignments for one of my classes so I can have some wiggle room when I have to play catch-up in the other class after the textbook arrives. Trying not to be overwhelmed. Doing a lot of meditative breathing.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
Serenity Amyntas reacted to this post about 7 months agoSchool is going well. If I scheduled everything right, I’ll finish my certification program in fitness technology this term, and then after a summer of electives and a couple last core classes in Fall; I will finish my associates degree in general studies.
I also recently passed my sports nutrition certification a couple days ago!
School work is a lot!
I also started training for a new job as a flexologist for Stretchlabs in Happy Valley Oregon.
Lots of positive things going on. It’s been a bit of a difficult time managing everything and studies here, so right now I’m just going day by day. I have read through my next few chapters in my Jedi assignment but haven’t had the time to deeply reflect on the lessons beyond a few notes and initial impressions.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
Mitpen commented on this post about 11 months agoStressed! Ice storms effectively closed the college for two weeks and knocked out their server, so I couldn’t do any homework or post any assignments. So I’m essentially 2 weeks behind and just stressed out about it.
Making good progress in that time on a nutritionist certification, but the next few weeks (if the ice goes away) are going to suck!
Positive thoughts and prayers would be appreciated! Messaged my master about all this so hopefully that went through too.
If anyone else is dealing with crazy winter weather, just know I hope you’re safe, warm, and I hope that things get better soon.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
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can't find my "Apprenticship Journal" yet. but I do have links for my IP journal, and the Lessons for my apprenticeship.
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