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  •   Serenity Amyntas reacted to this post about 1 day ago
    PatrickB updated his profile picture
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  •   Karnie reacted to this post about 2 weeks ago
    PatrickB updated his profile cover
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  •   Karnie reacted to this post about 2 weeks ago
    PatrickB updated his profile picture
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  • PatrickB updated his profile
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  •   Serenity Amyntas reacted to this post about 7 months ago
    PatrickB updated his profile picture
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  • PatrickB is now following Serenity Amyntas
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  • Hi Hope I spent a nice night amoung some that want to progress in to threre persomal life . Some chase dream of others without consideration or size , Size do not mean to be superior .
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  •   Benjamin Edward reacted to this post about 8 months ago
    PatrickB updated his profile cover
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