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TotJO can both License and ordain ministers to serve in a clerical capacity. Both licenses and ordinations are Legal in every state in the USA and may be in other countries. All Ministers can officiate at weddings and conduct other religious ceremonies.

The Temple of the Jedi Order, being a lawfully recognised and incorporated non-profit religious organisation, may license and ordain its ministers of the Clergy. These Licenses and Ordinations carry the legal responsibilities and obligations as provided to ministers under the law in the Sovereign State wherein they are practised (for information on the legal statutes regarding clerical service in various countries and American states – please see your local authorities).


There is a requirement of having reached the rank of Initiate and being at least 16 years of age prior to being admitted into the Seminary (our clergy training area).

The TotJO asks that one have at least 16 years of age and have taken the Simple Oath and completed the Initiates programme before being admitted to the Clergy Training programme of our Seminary.


If approved, a Knight will be given an ordination ceremony, and be promoted to deacon. Those who have not been knighted yet will become licensed ministers after completing the clerical training if they wish to join the Jedi Clergy.


Those who hold the rank of Knight or beyond, upon completion the Seminary programme will be ordained by ceremony to the Clerical position of Deacon. Those who have not yet attained the rank of Knighthood shall be Licensed Ministers upon completing the Clerical Training.

There is also the possibility of obtaining a Commission at the Council's discretion for a one-off event.


For those Members wishing to serve as officiant at a ceremony or other single event, the TotJO can provide a Commission (notably a 60-90 day time-frame). For those wishing to obtain a Commission, please provide the information on clergy officiant requirements for your area or the area in which the event is to take place. The TotJO can issue the Commission, but State and local regulations super-cede.