Hits: 154344

All information correct at time of writing – any and all is open to change without notice so please check for changes regularly. Any changes will be announced clearly.

This programme was devised by the The Jedi Council of Temple Of The Jedi Order, and written on behalf of the Knights and Masters by Grand Master Kana-Seiko Haruki.
Firstly – ANYONE already ‘finished’ their initiate’s exercises or is currently partly through them HAS NOT lost anything. If this is you – then you will find (on proper reading and examination of the curriculum) that there are some clarifications and one or two additions.

For anyone new to TOTJO (Temple Of The Jedi Order) – this may look and feel somewhat daunting – however – it is not as bad as it seems and for the most part (and hopefully for all of it) you will find the experience to be fun and certainly you will learn something from it.

Before we get into the nitty gritty – it is essential some things are made clear:- We DO NOT automatically assign ranks from other sites/temples to this one. We will however consider individuals on a case by case basis – we will check out claims/evidence and our council will make a decision on each person and their merits. If you wish to have previous experience taken into account – please contact one of the Masters for more help and advice on this.

Taking of our oath(s) is not necessary to participate in the initiates programme. However – a valid and verifiable application, as well as an oath IS required IF you wish to attain a rank – likewise these are prerequisites to becoming a member of the clergy.

Except in very few and exceptional circumstances – NO ONE will be knighted without some degree of training (please see above note on ranks from other sites) – however – we at TOTJO strongly believe that even if you have a rank and or title from elsewhere – you will appreciate the chance to either do something else or even go over ‘old’ material. Many if not all of our senior members have trained multiple times on multiple sites. We also feel that if somebody wants something enough – they will make at least an effort to earn it.

Posting ‘I NEED A MASTER’ will get you no where – the only way to get a master is to get on with the initiates exercises and complete them. You are allowed to ask for help/advice about the pieces if you so wish and any of the Knights and Masters will be happy to help – but you will not be formerly taken as an apprentice by ANYONE until you have completed the entire initiates programme. As it is clearly stated here and many times around the site, what is necessary to be taken as an Apprentice (ie to ‘Get A Master’) – any and all such threads will be locked or deleted by site administrators.

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