•   Vulpecula commented on this post about 2 months ago
    So I'm new to the Jedi, but definitely not new to syncretic religio-magical praxis. Today is a big holiday in my spiritual community, known as Chelseanacht, a celebration of our way of touching the Force known as the Linking Sigil. In celebration of that holiday, I thought I'd share my take on a trinitarian solution to the duality of the Force posed by the Jedi and Sith codes. I reject any notion that the monist view of the Force will be found in the grey, for grey still orients itself in respect to two poles, black and white. I believe that the monist understanding of the Force is to see it instead as a rainbow, where light and dark are merely relative to orientation of the light sources and objects of shade. Colors, like tone, are a function of so much more than just frequency, it is a function of intervals and intervals between intervals and so on until you get the emergent gestalt of context. I believe that this Discordian inspired code represents this rainbow view of the Force, much like what the Aing-Tii in Star Wars EU material practice. Anyways, without further banter, here's my take on a code that positions you neutrally in respect to the Force rather than orienting you around either the poles of light or dark:

    There is neither peace nor passion, only chaos
    There is neither knowledge nor strength, only discord
    There is neither serenity nor power, only confusion
    There is neither harmony nor victory, only bureaucracy
    The Force will be unchained only with the aftermath
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